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Reset to default PRO Hierarchy Protein Ontology Hierarchy (Note that the implicit relationship is is_a, whereas derives from indicates derives_from relationship.)
  228 shown from total 253026 nodes

PR:000018263  amino acid chain
PR:000000001  protein
PR:000001327  cadherin
PR:000005229  cadherin-10
PR:P79995  cadherin-10 (chicken)
PR:Q9Y6N8  cadherin-10 (human)
PR:Q9Y6N8-1  cadherin-10 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P70408  cadherin-10 (mouse)
PR:P70408-1  cadherin-10 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000044303  cadherin-10 isoform 1
PR:Q9Y6N8-1  cadherin-10 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P70408-1  cadherin-10 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000005230  cadherin-11
PR:O93319  cadherin-11 (chicken)
PR:P55287  cadherin-11 (human)
PR:P55287-1  cadherin-11 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P55287-2  cadherin-11 isoform h2 (human)
PR:P55288  cadherin-11 (mouse)
PR:P55288-1  cadherin-11 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000039798  cadherin-11 isoform 1
PR:P55287-1  cadherin-11 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P55288-1  cadherin-11 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000005231  cadherin-12
PR:P55289  cadherin-12 (human)
PR:P55289-1  cadherin-12 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P55289-2  cadherin-12 isoform h2 (human)
PR:000074219  cadherin-12 phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:Q5RJH3  cadherin-12 (mouse)
PR:Q5RJH3-1  cadherin-12 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000039799  cadherin-12 isoform 1
PR:P55289-1  cadherin-12 isoform 1 (human)
PR:Q5RJH3-1  cadherin-12 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000005232  cadherin-13
PR:P33150  cadherin-13 (chicken)
PR:P33150-1  cadherin-13 isoform 1 (chicken)
PR:P33150-2  cadherin-13 isoform 2 (chicken)
PR:P55290  cadherin-13 (human)
PR:P55290-1  cadherin-13 isoform h1 (human)
PR:P55290-2  cadherin-13 isoform h2 (human)
PR:P55290-3  cadherin-13 isoform h3 (human)
PR:P55290-4  cadherin-13 isoform h4 (human)
PR:P55290-5  cadherin-13 isoform h5 (human)
PR:000080930  cadherin-13 phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:Q9WTR5  cadherin-13 (mouse)
PR:000019284  cadherin-13 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000005233  cadherin-15
PR:P55291  cadherin-15 (human)
PR:P33146  cadherin-15 (mouse)
PR:000005236  cadherin-18
PR:Q13634  cadherin-18 (human)
PR:Q13634-1  cadherin-18 isoform h1 (human)
PR:Q13634-2  cadherin-18 isoform h2 (human)
PR:000005237  cadherin-19
PR:Q9H159  cadherin-19 (human)
PR:Q9H159-1  cadherin-19 isoform h1 (human)
PR:Q9H159-2  cadherin-19 isoform h2 (human)
PR:000001447  cadherin-1
PR:P08641  cadherin-1 (chicken)
PR:P12830  cadherin-1 (human)
PR:000076473  cadherin-1 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:000079657  cadherin-1 deaminated 2 (human)
PR:P12830-1  cadherin-1 isoform h1 (human)
PR:P12830-2  cadherin-1 isoform h2 (human)
PR:P09803  cadherin-1 (mouse)
PR:Q9R0T4  cadherin-1 (rat)
PR:000018481  cadherin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000005238  cadherin-20
PR:Q8QGH3  cadherin-20 (chicken)
PR:Q8QGH3-1  cadherin-20 isoform 1 (chicken)
PR:Q8QGH3-2  cadherin-20 isoform 2 (chicken)
PR:Q9HBT6  cadherin-20 (human)
PR:Q9HBT6-1  cadherin-20 isoform 1 (human)
PR:Q9Z0M3  cadherin-20 (mouse)
PR:Q9Z0M3-1  cadherin-20 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:Q5DWV1  cadherin-20 (rat)
PR:000043378  cadherin-20 isoform 1
PR:Q9HBT6-1  cadherin-20 isoform 1 (human)
PR:Q9Z0M3-1  cadherin-20 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000005239  cadherin-22
PR:Q9UJ99  cadherin-22 (human)
PR:000084176  cadherin-22 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:Q9WTP5  cadherin-22 (mouse)
PR:Q9WTP5-1  cadherin-22 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:Q63315  cadherin-22 (rat)
PR:Q63315-1  cadherin-22 isoform 1 (rat)
PR:Q63315-2  cadherin-22 isoform r2 (rat)
PR:000044067  cadherin-22 isoform 1
PR:Q9WTP5-1  cadherin-22 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:Q63315-1  cadherin-22 isoform 1 (rat)
PR:000005241  cadherin-24
PR:Q86UP0  cadherin-24 (human)
PR:Q86UP0-2  cadherin-24 isoform 2 (human)
PR:Q86UP0-1  cadherin-24 isoform h1 (human)
PR:Q86UP0-3  cadherin-24 isoform h3 (human)
PR:Q6PFX6  cadherin-24 (mouse)
PR:Q6PFX6-1  cadherin-24 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000041503  cadherin-24 isoform 2
PR:Q6PFX6-1  cadherin-24 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:Q86UP0-2  cadherin-24 isoform 2 (human)
PR:000001443  cadherin-2
PR:P10288  cadherin-2 (chicken)
PR:P19022  cadherin-2 (human)
PR:000055989  cadherin-2 N-glycosylated 1 (human)
PR:P19022-1  cadherin-2 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P19022-2  cadherin-2 isoform h2 (human)
PR:P15116  cadherin-2 (mouse)
PR:P15116-1  cadherin-2 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:Q9Z1Y3  cadherin-2 (rat)
PR:000059584  cadherin-2 N-glycosylated 1 (rat)
PR:000059585  cadherin-2 N-glycosylated 2 (rat)
PR:000059586  cadherin-2 N-glycosylated 3 (rat)
PR:000059587  cadherin-2 N-glycosylated 4 (rat)
PR:Q90275  cadherin-2 (zebrafish)
PR:000039006  cadherin-2 isoform 1
PR:P19022-1  cadherin-2 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P15116-1  cadherin-2 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000018480  cadherin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000005245  cadherin-3
PR:P22223  cadherin-3 (human)
PR:P22223-1  cadherin-3 isoform h1 (human)
PR:P22223-2  cadherin-3 isoform h2 (human)
PR:P10287  cadherin-3 (mouse)
PR:000019287  cadherin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000005246  cadherin-4
PR:P24503  cadherin-4 (chicken)
PR:P55283  cadherin-4 (human)
PR:P55283-1  cadherin-4 isoform h1 (human)
PR:P55283-2  cadherin-4 isoform h2 (human)
PR:P39038  cadherin-4 (mouse)
PR:000001444  cadherin-5
PR:Q8AYD0  cadherin-5 (chicken)
PR:P33151  cadherin-5 (human)
PR:000056375  cadherin-5 N-glycosylated 1 (human)
PR:000056376  cadherin-5 N-glycosylated 2 (human)
PR:P33151-1  cadherin-5 isoform h1 (human)
PR:P33151-2  cadherin-5 isoform h2 (human)
PR:000045753  cadherin-5 phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:P55284  cadherin-5 (mouse)
PR:000005247  cadherin-6
PR:Q90762  cadherin-6 (chicken)
PR:Q90762-1  cadherin-6 isoform 1 (chicken)
PR:P55285  cadherin-6 (human)
PR:P55285-1  cadherin-6 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P55285-2  cadherin-6 isoform h2 (human)
PR:P97326  cadherin-6 (mouse)
PR:P97326-1  cadherin-6 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:P55280  cadherin-6 (rat)
PR:000039796  cadherin-6 isoform 1
PR:Q90762-1  cadherin-6 isoform 1 (chicken)
PR:P55285-1  cadherin-6 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P97326-1  cadherin-6 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000005248  cadherin-7
PR:Q90763  cadherin-7 (chicken)
PR:Q9ULB5  cadherin-7 (human)
PR:Q9ULB5-1  cadherin-7 isoform 1 (human)
PR:Q8BM92  cadherin-7 (mouse)
PR:Q8BM92-1  cadherin-7 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:Q5DWV2  cadherin-7 (rat)
PR:000043994  cadherin-7 isoform 1
PR:Q9ULB5-1  cadherin-7 isoform 1 (human)
PR:Q8BM92-1  cadherin-7 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000005249  cadherin-8
PR:P55286  cadherin-8 (human)
PR:P55286-1  cadherin-8 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P97291  cadherin-8 (mouse)
PR:P97291-1  cadherin-8 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:O54800  cadherin-8 (rat)
PR:O54800-1  cadherin-8 isoform r1 (rat)
PR:O54800-2  cadherin-8 isoform r2 (rat)
PR:000039797  cadherin-8 isoform 1
PR:P55286-1  cadherin-8 isoform 1 (human)
PR:P97291-1  cadherin-8 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000005250  cadherin-9
PR:Q9ULB4  cadherin-9 (human)
PR:000074549  cadherin-9 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:P70407  cadherin-9 (mouse)
PR:000006692  desmocollin-1
PR:Q08554  desmocollin-1 (human)
PR:000084136  desmocollin-1 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:Q08554-1  desmocollin-1 isoform h1A (human)
PR:Q08554-2  desmocollin-1 isoform h1B (human)
PR:P55849  desmocollin-1 (mouse)
PR:P55849-1  desmocollin-1 isoform m1A (mouse)
PR:P55849-2  desmocollin-1 isoform m1B (mouse)
PR:000006693  desmocollin-2
PR:Q02487  desmocollin-2 (human)
PR:000056849  desmocollin-2 N-glycosylated 1 (human)
PR:000056850  desmocollin-2 N-glycosylated 2 (human)
PR:000084967  desmocollin-2 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:Q02487-1  desmocollin-2 isoform h2A (human)
PR:Q02487-2  desmocollin-2 isoform h2B (human)
PR:P55292  desmocollin-2 (mouse)
PR:P55292-1  desmocollin-2 isoform m2A (mouse)
PR:P55292-2  desmocollin-2 isoform m2B (mouse)
PR:000006694  desmocollin-3
PR:Q14574  desmocollin-3 (human)
PR:000076453  desmocollin-3 cysteinylated 1 (human)
PR:Q14574-1  desmocollin-3 isoform h3A (human)
PR:Q14574-2  desmocollin-3 isoform h3B (human)
PR:P55850  desmocollin-3 (mouse)
PR:P55850-1  desmocollin-3 isoform 3A (mouse)
PR:P55850-2  desmocollin-3 isoform 3B (mouse)
PR:000006706  desmoglein-1
PR:Q02413  desmoglein-1 (human)
PR:000072068  desmoglein-1 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:Q02413-1  desmoglein-1 isoform h1 (human)
PR:Q02413-2  desmoglein-1 isoform h2 (human)
PR:000006707  desmoglein-2
PR:Q14126  desmoglein-2 (human)
PR:000076148  desmoglein-2 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:000070566  desmoglein-2 methylated 1 (human)
PR:000074342  desmoglein-2 methylated 2 (human)
PR:O55111  desmoglein-2 (mouse)
PR:000006708  desmoglein-3
PR:P32926  desmoglein-3 (human)
PR:000072376  desmoglein-3 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:O35902  desmoglein-3 (mouse)
PR:O35902-1  desmoglein-3 isoform m1 (mouse)
PR:O35902-2  desmoglein-3 isoform m2 (mouse)
PR:000006709  desmoglein-4
PR:Q86SJ6  desmoglein-4 (human)
PR:000073019  desmoglein-4 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:Q86SJ6-1  desmoglein-4 isoform h1 (human)
PR:Q86SJ6-2  desmoglein-4 isoform h2 (human)
PR:000076540  desmoglein-4 phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:000081521  desmoglein-4 phosphorylated 2 (human)
PR:Q7TMD7  desmoglein-4 (mouse)
PR:Q6W3B0  desmoglein-4 (rat)