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Reset to default PRO Hierarchy Protein Ontology Hierarchy (Note that the implicit relationship is is_a, whereas derives from indicates derives_from relationship.)
  51 shown from total 253082 nodes

PR:000018263  amino acid chain
PR:000000001  protein
PR:000036922  hepadnavirus-type C gene translation product
PR:000036924  hepadnavirus-type e antigen
PR:Q89860  e antigen (Duck hepatitis B virus (isolate Shanghai/DHBVQCA34))
PR:P17190  e antigen (Duck hepatitis B virus (isolate brown Shanghai duck S5))
PR:P17191  e antigen (Duck hepatitis B virus (isolate white Shanghai duck S31))
PR:P30027  e antigen (Duck hepatitis B virus (strain China))
PR:P0C6J9  e antigen (Duck hepatitis B virus (strain Germany/DHBV-3))
PR:P03154  e antigen (Duck hepatitis B virus (strain United States/DHBV-16))
PR:P89951  e antigen (Gibbon hepatitis B virus subtype ayw3q (isolate Hope))
PR:Q9WJE9  e antigen (Gorilla hepatitis B virus (isolate Cameroon/gor97))
PR:Q81105  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype A1 subtype adw (isolate Philippines/pFDW294/1988))
PR:Q91C37  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype A1 subtype adw2 (isolate South Africa/84/2001))
PR:O91532  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 (isolate Japan/11D11HCCW/1998))
PR:P0C692  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw (isolate Japan/Nishioka/1983))
PR:P17099  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (isolate Germany/991/1990))
PR:P0C625  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype A2 subtype adw2 (strain Rutter 1979))
PR:Q4R1S0  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype A3 (isolate Cameroon/CMR711/1994))
PR:Q4R1S8  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype A3 (isolate Cameroon/CMR983/1994))
PR:P0C6G9  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype B/C subtype adw (isolate Okinawa/pODW282/1998))
PR:P0C699  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype B1 subtype adw (isolate Japan/pJDW233/1988))
PR:P0C6G7  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 (isolate Indonesia/pIDW420/1988))
PR:P0C6H2  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype C (isolate Vietnam/3270/2000))
PR:P0C6H3  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype adr (isolate Japan/Nishioka/1983))
PR:P0C6H5  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype adr (strain Japan/adr4/1983))
PR:Q9WMB7  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ar (isolate Japan/S-207/1988))
PR:P0C767  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayr (isolate Human/Japan/Okamoto/-))
PR:Q913A8  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayw (isolate China/Tibet127/2002))
PR:O92920  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype D (isolate Germany/1-91/1991))
PR:P0C6I1  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Australia/AustKW/1991))
PR:P0C573  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate France/Tiollais/1979))
PR:Q67876  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Italy/CI/1992))
PR:Q05495  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 (isolate Brazil/w4B))
PR:P0C6I5  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype F2 subtype adw4q (isolate Senegal/9203))
PR:Q8JMZ4  e antigen (Hepatitis B virus genotype H subtype adw4 (isolate Nicaragua/2928Nic/1997))
PR:P13845  e antigen (Heron hepatitis B virus (HHBV))
PR:P0C6J2  e antigen (Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 1))
PR:P0C6J3  e antigen (Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 2))
PR:P0C6J4  e antigen (Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 59))
PR:P0C6J5  e antigen (Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 7))
PR:P0C6J6  e antigen (Woodchuck hepatitis B virus (isolate 8))
PR:P0C6J0  e antigen (Woolly monkey hepatitis B virus (isolate Louisville))
PR:P0C6I7  e antigen, truncated (Chimpanzee hepatitis B virus (isolate United Kingdom/LSH/1988))
PR:P0C6K6  e antigen, truncated (Hepatitis B virus genotype B1 (isolate Japan/Ry30/2002))
PR:P0C6H1  e antigen, truncated (Hepatitis B virus genotype B1 (isolate Japan/Yamagata-2/1998))
PR:P0C6G8  e antigen, truncated (Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 (isolate Vietnam/9873/1997))
PR:P0C6H0  e antigen, truncated (Hepatitis B virus genotype B2 subtype adw (isolate China/patient4/1996))
PR:P0C6K5  e antigen, truncated (Hepatitis B virus genotype C subtype ayw (isolate Australia/AustRC/1992))
PR:P0C6H9  e antigen, truncated (Hepatitis B virus genotype D (isolate France/alpha1/1989))
PR:P0C6I0  e antigen, truncated (Hepatitis B virus genotype D subtype ayw (isolate Japan/JYW796/1988))