PRO_ID	Object_term	Object_syny	Modifier	Relation	Ontology_ID	Ontology_term	Relative_to	Interaction_with	Evidence_source	Evidence_code	Taxon	Inferred_from	DB_ID	Date	Assigned_by	Comment
PR:000000099	inhibitory smad protein			acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0009968	negative regulation of signal transduction			PIRSF:PIRSF500412	ISS		PIRSF:PIRSF500412	PIRSF:PIRSF500412	20080301	PRO:CNA	
PR:000000099	inhibitory smad protein			acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0030512	negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway			PIRSF:PIRSF500412	ISS		PIRSF:PIRSF500412	PIRSF:PIRSF500412	20080301	PRO:CNA	
PR:000000099	inhibitory smad protein			acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0030514	negative regulation of BMP signaling pathway			PIRSF:PIRSF500412	ISS		PIRSF:PIRSF500412	PIRSF:PIRSF500412	20080301	PRO:CNA