PRO_ID	Object_term	Object_syny	Modifier	Relation	Ontology_ID	Ontology_term	Relative_to	Interaction_with	Evidence_source	Evidence_code	Taxon	Inferred_from	DB_ID	Date	Assigned_by	Comment
PR:000036441	activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)	hACVR2A/iso:1/GlycoPhos:1		enables	GO:0016362	activin receptor activity, type II			PMID:12665502	IDA	NCBITaxon:9606		UniProtKB:P27037-1	20080301	PRO:CNA	
PR:000036441	activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)	hACVR2A/iso:1/GlycoPhos:1		located_in	GO:0005886	plasma membrane			PMID:1314589	IDA	NCBITaxon:9606		UniProtKB:P27037-1	20080301	PRO:CNA	
PR:000036441	activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)	hACVR2A/iso:1/GlycoPhos:1		part_of	GO:0048179	activin receptor complex			PMID:8622651	IDA	NCBITaxon:9606		UniProtKB:P27037-1	20080301	PRO:CNA	
PR:000036441	activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)	hACVR2A/iso:1/GlycoPhos:1		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0007178	cell surface receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway			PMID:1314589	IDA	NCBITaxon:9606		UniProtKB:P27037-1	20080301	PRO:CNA