PRO_ID	Object_term	Object_syny	Modifier	Relation	Ontology_ID	Ontology_term	Relative_to	Interaction_with	Evidence_source	Evidence_code	Taxon	Inferred_from	DB_ID	Date	Assigned_by	Comment
PR:000037507	transcriptional coactivator YAP1 isoform 3 unphosphorylated 1 (human)	hYAP1/iso:3/UnPhos:1|UniProtKB:P46937-3, Tyr-357, PR:000026291		enables	GO:0005515	protein binding		PR:O15350	PMID:21214929|PMID:21562856	IPI	NCBITaxon:9606		UniProtKB:P46937-3	20140718	PRO:KER	Note=A?(25-35) induced YAP translocation from cytoplasm to nucleus accompanied with the increased phosphorylation on Y357, resulting in the enhancement of interaction between YAP and p73.