PRO_ID	Object_term	Object_syny	Modifier	Relation	Ontology_ID	Ontology_term	Relative_to	Interaction_with	Evidence_source	Evidence_code	Taxon	Inferred_from	DB_ID	Date	Assigned_by	Comment
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		enables	GO:0043565	sequence-specific DNA binding			PMID:7823919	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI:98214|MGI:98215|MGI:98216	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0000122	negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II			PMID:7566114	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI:1349717	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0001657	ureteric bud development			PMID:12195422	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI_allele:1857622	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0007283	spermatogenesis			MGI_ref:61760|PMID:8394014	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI_allele:1857622	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0008284	positive regulation of cell population proliferation			PMID:18026104	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI:109275	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0010629	negative regulation of gene expression			PMID:18026104	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI:109275	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0030852	regulation of granulocyte differentiation			PMID:11222375	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI_allele:1857622	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0032526	response to retinoic acid			PMID:11222375	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI_allele:1857622	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0045944	positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II			PMID:15766748	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI:106918|MGI:88071	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0045944	positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II			PMID:7823919	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	GI:98214|MGI:98215|MGI:98216	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD	
PR:P11416	retinoic acid receptor alpha (mouse)	mRARA|Nr1b1|nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group B member 1 (mouse)|RAR-alpha (mouse)|Rara		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0055012	ventricular cardiac muscle cell differentiation			PMID:9428411	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090	MGI_allele:1857622	UniProtKB:P11416	20100215	PRO:HJD