PRO_ID	Object_term	Object_syny	Modifier	Relation	Ontology_ID	Ontology_term	Relative_to	Interaction_with	Evidence_source	Evidence_code	Taxon	Inferred_from	DB_ID	Date	Assigned_by	Comment
PR:Q8K0L0-1	ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 2 isoform 1 (mouse)	ASB2beta (mouse)|mASB2/iso:1		part_of	GO:0031466	Cul5-RING ubiquitin ligase complex			MGI_ref:4830849|PMID:19300455	IDA	NCBITaxon:10090		MGI:1929743	20130111	MGI:MGI	has_direct_input(MGI:2446089)
PR:Q8K0L0-1	ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 2 isoform 1 (mouse)	ASB2beta (mouse)|mASB2/iso:1		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0000209	protein polyubiquitination			MGI_ref:4830849|PMID:19300455	IDA	NCBITaxon:10090		MGI:1929743	20130111	MGI:MGI	has_input(MGI:MGI:2446089)
PR:Q8K0L0-1	ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 2 isoform 1 (mouse)	ASB2beta (mouse)|mASB2/iso:1		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0006511	ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process			MGI_ref:4830849|PMID:19300455	IDA	NCBITaxon:10090		MGI:1929743	20130111	MGI:MGI	has_direct_input(MGI:MGI:2446089)
PR:Q8K0L0-1	ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 2 isoform 1 (mouse)	ASB2beta (mouse)|mASB2/iso:1		acts_upstream_of_or_within	GO:0045445	myoblast differentiation			MGI_ref:4830849|PMID:19300455	IMP	NCBITaxon:10090		MGI:1929743	20130111	MGI:MGI	
PR:Q8K0L0-1	ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 2 isoform 1 (mouse)	ASB2beta (mouse)|mASB2/iso:1	contributes_to	enables	GO:0061630	ubiquitin protein ligase activity			MGI_ref:4830849|PMID:19300455	IDA	NCBITaxon:10090		MGI:1929743	20141025	MGI:MGI