id: PR:000000729
name: voltage-gated potassium channel subunit KCNQ2
def: "A voltage-gated potassium channel subunit KQT that is a translation product of the human KCNQ2 gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. Most of the isoforms are generated by splicing that is restricted to a region that encodes the intracellular C-terminal domain of the channel (exons 7-16 in rat). From these, there are two main classes, one containing exon 16 in-frame, and others with an alternative splice junction in exon 14 that results in a frameshift and early termination. In addition, exons 12 and 13 have alternative splice junctions, and exons 8,11, and 15a are subject to splicing. Many members of this class can form heteromeric channels with members of the class KCNQ3 (PR:000000730). Some forms of KCNQ2 contain two binding calmodulin binding sites and calmodulin is tethered constitutively to KCNQ channels." [PMID:11230508, PMID:12223552]
comment: Category=gene.
synonym: "KCNQ2" EXACT PRO-short-label [PRO:DNx]
synonym: "KQT-like 2" EXACT []
synonym: "neuroblastoma-specific potassium channel subunit alpha KvLQT2" EXACT []
synonym: "potassium channel subunit alpha KvLQT2" EXACT []
synonym: "voltage-gated potassium channel subunit Kv7.2" EXACT []
synonym: "Kqt2" RELATED Gene-based []
xref: IUPHARobj:561
xref: PIRSF:PIRSF500965
property_value: has_archetype PR:O43526
is_a: PR:000000684 ! voltage-gated potassium channel subunit KQT