id: PR:000001150
name: tachykinin receptor
def: "A rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor that is a translation product of the human TACR1 to TACR3 genes, 1:1 orthologs thereof, or a semi-ortholog thereof. These receptors bind tachykinin peptides--neuropeptides of 10-12 amino acids derived from the translation products of the TAC1 and TAC3 genes. Tachykinin receptors are not specific but have different affinities for the various peptides." [PRO:WCB, PRO:XQ, Wikipedia:Tachykinin_peptides]
comment: Category=family.
xref: IUPHARfam:62
xref: PIRSF:PIRSF001840
is_a: PR:000001094 ! rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor