id: PR:000001224
name: medium-wave-sensitive opsin
def: "An animal opsin that is a translation product of the human OPN1MW, OPN1MW2, or OPN1MW3 genes, 1:1 orthologs thereof, or a semi-ortholog thereof." [PRO:DAN, PRO:WCB]
comment: Category=gene. Note: The human OPN1MW, OPN1MW2, and OPN1MW3 genes encode identical proteins.
synonym: "OPN1MW" EXACT PRO-short-label [PRO:DNx]
synonym: "GOP" EXACT []
synonym: "green cone photoreceptor pigment" EXACT []
synonym: "green-sensitive opsin" EXACT []
synonym: "M opsin" EXACT []
synonym: "medium wavelength-sensitive cone opsin" EXACT []
synonym: "Gcp" RELATED []
synonym: "Opn1mw" RELATED []
synonym: "OPN1MW2" RELATED []
xref: IUPHARobj:2962
is_a: PR:000001119 ! animal opsin