id: PR:000001452
name: free fatty acid receptor
def: "A rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor that is a translation product of the human FFAR1 to FFAR4, or GPR42 genes, 1:1 orthologs thereof, or a semi-ortholog thereof. The active form binds free fatty acid." [PRO:DAN, PRO:WCB, PRO:XQ, PMID:15684720, PMID:17052194]
comment: Category=family. Note: In humans there are four tandem genes located downstream of CD22 on chromosome 19. One of these, GPR42P, is a pseudogene formed by recent duplication of FFAR3. A fifth gene, FFAR4, is on a different chromosome.
synonym: "fam:FFA_R" EXACT PRO-short-label [PRO:DAN]
xref: IUPHARfam:24
xref: PIRSF:PIRSF006358
is_a: PR:000001094 ! rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor