id: PR:000003082
name: neuropilin-1 isoform 1, signal peptide removed O-glycosylated 1
def: "A neuropilin-1 isoform 1, signal peptide removed glycosylated form that has a heparan sulfate moiety on a Ser residue located in the region between the F5/8 type C domain (Pfam:PF00754) and the MAM domain (Pfam:PF00629). Example: UniProtKB:O14786-1, 22-923, Ser-612, MOD:00215." [PRO:JAN, PMID:16763549]
comment: Category=modification.
synonym: "NRP1/iso:1/SigPep-/OGlyco:1" EXACT PRO-short-label [PRO:DAN]
is_a: PR:000003081 ! neuropilin-1 isoform 1, signal peptide removed glycosylated form
relationship: has_part MOD:00215 ! heparan sulfate D-glucuronosyl-D-galactosyl-D-galactosyl-D-xylosyl-L-serine