id: PR:000021936
name: obsolete signal peptide
def: "OBSOLETE. An immature protein part that, prior to its removal from the N terminus, directs the transport of a protein for membrane insertion or for secretion." [PRO:DAN]
comment: Category (was) external. The signal peptide can be cleaved either co- or post-translationally. For this reason, we do not use the derives_from relation when defining protein forms lacking the signal peptide (because the precursor form might not yet exist at the time of removal).
synonym: "signal sequence" EXACT [Wikipedia:Signal_peptide]
synonym: "localization signal" RELATED [Wikipedia:Signal_peptide]
synonym: "signal_peptide" RELATED [SO:0000418]
synonym: "targeting signal" RELATED [Wikipedia:Signal_peptide]
synonym: "transit peptide" RELATED [Wikipedia:Signal_peptide]
is_obsolete: true
replaced_by: SO:0000418