id: PR:000026773
name: cyclin-dependent protein kinase 5 holoenzyme complex (human)
def: "A protein kinase 5 complex whose components are encoded in the genome of human." [PRO:DAN, Reactome:R-HSA-421107]
comment: Category=organism-complex.
synonym: "Cdk5:p35 (human)" EXACT [Reactome:R-HSA-421107]
xref: Reactome:R-HSA-421107 "PR:000026773 located_in GO:0005829"
is_a: GO:0016533 ! protein kinase 5 complex
relationship: has_component PR:Q00535 {cardinality="1"} ! cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (human)
relationship: has_component PR:Q15078 {cardinality="1"} ! cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator 1 (human)
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9606 ! Homo sapiens