id: PR:000035918
name: vitamin K-dependent protein C activation peptide
def: "A vitamin K-dependent protein C proteolytic cleavage product that corresponds to the dodecapeptide from the amino end of the heavy chain. Example: UniProtKB:P04070, 200-211." [PMID:2405901, PMID:468991, PMID:6589623, Reactome:R-HSA-141051]
comment: Category=modification.
synonym: "PROC/Clv:act_pep" EXACT PRO-short-label [PRO:DAN]
is_a: PR:000021105 ! vitamin K-dependent protein C proteolytic cleavage product
relationship: output_of GO:0016485 ! protein processing
relationship: derives_from PR:000035920 ! vitamin K-dependent protein C heavy chain