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Protein Ontology report - cholera enterotoxin subunit A1 (Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961)
PR:000036647 -
Ontology Information Show OBO stanza / PAF / GPI
  PRO namecholera enterotoxin subunit A1 (Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961) 
PRO-Short-label: EXACT:ctxA/Clv:A1 (VIBCH)
PRO-proteoform-std: EXACT:UniProtKB:P01555, 19-212
PRO-proteoform-ftid: EXACT:PRO_0000019342
  Definition"A cholera enterotoxin subunit A1 in Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961. UniProtKB:P01555, 19-212." [PMID:13679513, PRO:CNA] 
  PRO Categoryorganism-modification 
  ParentPR:000021965 cholera enterotoxin subunit A1
PR:P01555 cholera enterotoxin subunit A (Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961)
  TaxonNCBITaxon:243277 Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961
  Term Hierarchy
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Functional Annotation (PRO-centric view) Switch to GO Centric View   
PRO Term GO Annotation Evidence
PR:000036647 ctxA/Clv:A1 (VIBCH)
UniProtKB:P01555, 19-212
acts_upstream_of_or_withinGO:0035821 modulation of process of another organism PMID:13679513