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Protein Ontology report - NS2B-NS3 polyprotein precursor
PR:000036873 -
Ontology Information Show OBO stanza
  PRO nameNS2B-NS3 polyprotein precursor 
PRO-Short-label: EXACT:DenV-NS2B3
  Definition"A dengue virus genome polyprotein proteolytic cleavage product that is cleaved from NS12345 by the two-component protease NS2B-NS3 at the NS2A-NS2B and NS3-NS4 sites and consists of NS2B and NS3." [PMID:10744671, PRO:ES] 
  CommentRequested by=IDODEN. Analysis of polyprotein processing in vivo established that the NS3 protease, as a heterodimeric complex with the viral activator protein NS2B, catalyzes the cis cleavage of NS2A-NS2B and NS2B-NS3, as well as the trans cleavage of NS3-NS4A and NS4B-NS5 sites in the polyprotein. [PMID:10744671, PRO:ES]. 
  PRO Categorymodification 
  ParentPR:000036818 dengue virus genome polyprotein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000036838 NS12345
  Term Hierarchy