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Protein Ontology report - interferon regulatory factor 3 isoform 1 phosphorylated 2 (human)
PR:000045489 -
Ontology Information Show OBO stanza / GPI
  PRO nameinterferon regulatory factor 3 isoform 1 phosphorylated 2 (human) 
PRO-Short-label: EXACT:hIRF3/iso:1/Phos:2
PRO-proteoform-std: EXACT:UniProtKB:Q14653-1, Ser-339/Ser-386/Ser-398/Ser-402/Ser-405, MOD:00046|Thr-404, MOD:00047
Other: RELATED:p-5S,T404-IRF3 (human)
  Definition"An interferon regulatory factor 3 isoform 1 (human) that has been phosphorylated in Ser-339 and Ser and Thr residues within the two phosphorylation cluster sites. A Ser-386 on the 2S site and multiple Ser and Thr residues in the 5ST site (Ser-396, Ser-498, Ser-402, Thr-404, and Ser-405). UniProtKB:Q14653-1, Ser-339/Ser-386/Ser-398/Ser-402/Ser-405, MOD:00046|Thr-404, MOD:00047." [PRO:CNA, Reactome:R-HSA-936418
  CommentNote: Reactome does not specify the precise isoform. However, it mentions that this proteoform is involved in dimerization. Based on the positions of the modified residues, and based on the position of the dimerization domain (203-385), only isoform 1 is eligible. [PRO:DAN, PMID:23824805]. 
  PRO Categoryorganism-modification 
  ParentPR:000003259 interferon regulatory factor 3 isoform 1 phosphorylated form
PR:Q14653 interferon regulatory factor 3 (human)
  TaxonNCBITaxon:9606 Homo sapiens
  Term Hierarchy
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hIRF3/iso:1/Phos:2 forms found in complexes   

hIRF3/iso:1/Phos:2 Component
PR:000045489 hIRF3/iso:1/Phos:2 PR:000027084 IRF3-P:IRF7-P complex (human)