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Protein Ontology report - cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:000045687 -
Ontology Information Show OBO stanza / GPI
  PRO namecyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 phosphorylated 1 (human) 
PRO-Short-label: EXACT:hCREB1/Phos:1
PRO-proteoform-std: EXACT:UniProtKB:P16220, Ser-119, MOD:00046
NARROW:UniProtKB:P16220-1, Ser-133, MOD:00046 | UniProtKB:P16220-2, Ser-119, MOD:00046 | UniProtKB:P16220-3, Ser-133, MOD:00046
Other: EXACT:hCREB1 (pSer133)
  Definition"A cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 (human) that has been phosphorylated on the residue at the position equivalent to Ser-119 of the amino acid sequence represented by UniProtKB:P16220-2. Example: UniProtKB:P16220-2, Ser-119, MOD:00046." [iPTMnet:P16220, PMID:11988169, PMID:12356771, PMID:15733869, PMID:17426037, PMID:20484048, PMID:7608156, PMID:8887554, PMID:9528766, PMID:9770464, PMID:9829964
  CommentRequested by=ImmPort. Evidence=(ECO:0000006, based on PMID:12356771, PMID:15733869, PMID:17426037, PMID:20484048, PMID:7608156, PMID:8887554, PMID:9528766, PMID:9770464, PMID:9829964). Status=unreviewed. 
  PRO Categoryorganism-modification 
  ParentPR:000037070 phosphoprotein
PR:P16220 cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 (human)
  TaxonNCBITaxon:9606 Homo sapiens
  Term Hierarchy