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Protein Ontology report - dual specificity protein kinase TTK phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:000045754 -
Ontology Information Show OBO stanza / PAF / GPI
  PRO namedual specificity protein kinase TTK phosphorylated 1 (human) 
PRO-Short-label: EXACT:hTTK/Phos:1
PRO-proteoform-std: EXACT:UniProtKB:P33981, Thr-676, MOD:00047
NARROW:UniProtKB:P33981-1, Thr-676, MOD:00047
  Definition"A dual specificity protein kinase TTK (human) that has been phosphorylated on the residue at the position equivalent to Thr-676 of the amino acid sequence represented by UniProtKB:P33981-1. Example: UniProtKB:P33981-1, Thr-676, MOD:00047." [iPTMnet:P33981, PMID:18083840, PMID:18680479, PMID:19120698, PRO:KER] 
  CommentEvidence=(ECO:0000006, based on PMID:18083840). Kinase=("TTK"; PR:P33981; Thr-676). 
  PRO Categoryorganism-modification 
  ParentPR:000037070 phosphoprotein
PR:P33981 dual specificity protein kinase TTK (human)
  TaxonNCBITaxon:9606 Homo sapiens
  Term Hierarchy
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Functional Annotation (PRO-centric view) Switch to GO Centric View   
PRO Term GO Annotation Evidence
PR:000045754 hTTK/Phos:1
Example: UniProtKB:P33981-1, Thr-676, MOD:00047
acts_upstream_of_or_withinGO:0046777 protein autophosphorylation PMID:18680479; PMID:19120698
GO:0051298 centrosome duplication PMID:17728254
GO:0071174 mitotic spindle checkpoint signaling PMID:18083840
enablesGO:0004672 protein kinase activity PMID:18680479