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Protein Ontology report - IgG4 immunoglobulin complex (human)
PR:000050308 -
  Protein Forms      
Ontology Information Show OBO stanza / GPI
  PRO nameIgG4 immunoglobulin complex (human) 
PRO-Short-label: EXACT:hIgG4
Other: EXACT:IgG4 (human)
NARROW:IgG4 antibody (human)
  Definition"An IgG immunoglobulin complex in human that is composed of two immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgG4 isotype and two immunoglobulin light chains (kappa or lambda), held together by disulfide bonds. An IgG4 immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph. Note that secreted IgG4 often undergoes half-molecule exchange (exchange of one heavy chain-light chain arm for another) to form bivalent complexes (two independent binding sites) that are functionally molevalent in most biological situations." [GOC:add, PMID:19222496, PMID:25368619, PRO:ADD] 
  CommentRequested by=HIPC. Requested by=CL. Note: An IgG4 immunoglobulin complex has the function of antigen binding if a suitable antigen is available. 
  PRO Categoryorganism-complex 
  ParentG0071735 IgG immunoglobulin complex
  TaxonNCBITaxon:9606 Homo sapiens
  Terms by PRO Category
Organism-Independent Organism-Specific
         Category          Number of Terms          Category          Number of Terms
         Complex0                                                  Organism-Complex 3                                        
  Term Hierarchy
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comp. In Complex?


IgG4 immunoglobulin complex (human)


"An IgG immunoglobulin complex in human that is composed of two immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgG4 isotype and two immunoglobulin light chains (kappa or lambda), held together by disulfide bonds. An IgG4 immunoglobulin complex may be embedded in the plasma membrane or present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph. Note that secreted IgG4 often undergoes half-molecule exchange (exchange of one heavy chain-light chain arm for another) to form bivalent complexes (two independent binding sites) that are functionally molevalent in most biological situations." [GOC:add, PMID:19222496, PMID:25368619, PRO:ADD]



IgG4 immunoglobulin complex, circulating (human)


"An IgG4 immunoglobulin complex (human) that is composed of two immunoglobulin heavy chains of an IgG4 isotype of the secretory isoform and two immunoglobulin light chains (kappa or lambda), held together by disulfide bonds and present in the extracellular space, in mucosal areas or other tissues, or circulating in the blood or lymph. Note that secreted IgG4 often undergoes half-molecule exchange (exchange of one heavy chain-light chain arm for another) to form bivalent complexes (two independent binding sites) that are functionally molevalent in most biological situations." [GOC:add, PMID:25368619, PRO:ADD]



IgG4 B cell receptor complex (human)


"An IgG4 immunoglobulin complex (human) that is present in the plasma membrane of B cells and is composed of two identical immunoglobulin heavy chains of the membrane-bound isoform of the IgG4 isotype, two identical immunoglobulin light chains (kappa or lambda), and a signaling subunit, a heterodimer of the Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins." [GOC:add, ISBN:0781765196, PMID:17496345, PRO:ADD]