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Protein Ontology report - transcription factor PML isoform 4 (human)
PR:P29590-4 -
Ontology Information Show OBO stanza / PAF / GPI
  PRO nametranscription factor PML isoform 4 (human) 
PRO-Short-label: EXACT:hPML/iso:4
  Definition"A transcription factor PML isoform 4 that is encoded in the genome of human." [PMID:8643677
  PRO Categoryorganism-sequence 
  ParentPR:000026516 transcription factor PML isoform 4
PR:P29590 protein PML (human)
  TaxonNCBITaxon:9606 Homo sapiens
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Functional Annotation (PRO-centric view) Switch to GO Centric View   
PRO Term GO Annotation Evidence
PR:P29590-4 hPML/iso:4 acts_upstream_of_or_withinGO:0002230 positive regulation of defense response to virus by host PMID:16873257
GO:0030578 PML body organization PMID:8643677
enablesGO:0005515 protein binding with PR:P14373 hTRIM27 PMID:10669754
GO:0005515 protein binding with PR:P23769 GATA-binding protein 2 (human) PMID:10669754
GO:0005515 protein binding with PR:P63073 eIF-4E (mouse) PMID:10669754
GO:0005515 protein binding with PR:P63165 GAP-modifying protein 1 (human) PMID:10669754
GO:0005515 protein binding with PR:P63279 hUBE2I PMID:10669754
GO:0005515 protein binding with PR:Q03014 HEX PMID:10669754
GO:0005515 protein binding with PR:Q9UER7-1 PMID:10669754
GO:0008270 zinc ion binding PMID:7729428
GO:0050897 cobalt ion binding PMID:7729428
located_inGO:0016605 PML body PMID:9885291