PRO_ID	Object_term	Object_syny	Modifier	Relation	Ontology_ID	Ontology_term	Relative_to	Interaction_with	Evidence_source	Evidence_code	Taxon	Inferred_from	DB_ID	Protein _region	Modified_residue, MOD_ID	Date	Assigned_by	Equivalent_Form	Comment	Protein_Features
PR:000027479	epidermal growth factor receptor isoform 1, signal peptide removed phosphorylated form (human)			located_in	GO:0005634	nucleus			PMID:18789131	EXP	TaxID:9606		UniProtKB:P00533-1	25-1210	Tyr-869, MOD:00048	20110701	PRO:PD		Kinase= Src [UniprotkB:P12931; PR:000027234]. Authors did not consider the signal peptide of EGFR (residue 1-24) hence paper refers to Y845 (instead of Y869). Inducing agent: Ionizing radiation.Activates DNA-PK by inducing phosphorylation at T2609	P00533-1 (25-1210)  pTYR-869
PR:000027479	epidermal growth factor receptor isoform 1, signal peptide removed phosphorylated form (human)			participates_in	GO:0034504	protein localization to nucleus			PMID:18789131	EXP	TaxID:9606		UniProtKB:P00533-1	25-1210	Tyr-869, MOD:00048	20110701	PRO:PD		Kinase= Src [UniprotkB:P12931; PR:000027234]. Authors did not consider the signal peptide of EGFR (residue 1-24) hence paper refers to Y845 (instead of Y869). Inducing agent: Ionizing radiation.Activates DNA-PK by inducing phosphorylation at T2609	P00533-1 (25-1210)  pTYR-869