id: PR:000000105
name: nodal protein
def: "A TGF-beta-like cystine-knot cytokine that is a translation product of the human NODAL gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. The nodal and lefty genes form positive and negative regulatory loops that resemble the reaction-diffusion system. As a pair, these genes control various events of vertebrate embryonic patterning, including left-right specification and mesoderm formation." [PRO:CNA]
comment: Category=gene.
synonym: "NODAL" EXACT PRO-short-label [PRO:DNx]
xref: PIRSF:PIRSF037400
property_value: has_archetype PR:Q96S42
is_a: PR:000000008 ! TGF-beta-like cystine-knot cytokine