id: PR:000001405
name: tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 16
def: "A death receptor that is a translation product of the human NGFR gene or a 1:1 ortholog thereof. This receptor contains an extracellular domain containing four repeats (about 40 residues long) with 6 cysteine residues at conserved positions followed by a serine/threonine-rich region, a single transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic domain. The cysteine-rich region contains the nerve growth factor binding domain." [PRO:JAN, RefSeq:NP_002498]
comment: Category=gene.
synonym: "NGFR" EXACT PRO-short-label [PRO:DNx]
synonym: "CD271" EXACT []
synonym: "gp80-LNGFR" EXACT []
synonym: "low affinity neurotrophin receptor p75NTR" EXACT []
synonym: "low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor" EXACT []
synonym: "low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor p75NGFR" EXACT []
synonym: "low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor p75NGR" EXACT []
synonym: "NGF receptor" EXACT []
synonym: "p75 ICD" EXACT []
synonym: "TNFRSF16" RELATED Gene-based []
xref: IUPHARobj:1888
xref: PIRSF:PIRSF001964
property_value: has_archetype PR:P08138
is_a: PR:000021999 ! death receptor