id: PR:000025038
name: Stk11 isoform 2:Strada:Cab39 heterotrimer (mouse)
def: "A protein-containing complex that is composed of serine/threonine-protein kinase STK11 isoform 2, STE20-related kinase adapter protein alpha, and calcium-binding protein 39 that is encoded in the genome of mouse." [PRO:KRC, PMID:18854309]
comment: Category=organism-complex.
synonym: "mLKB1-S:STRADalpha:MO25alpha heterotrimer" EXACT PRO-short-label [PRO:KRC]
is_a: GO:0032991 ! protein-containing complex
relationship: has_component PR:Q3UUJ4 {cardinality="1"} ! STE20-related kinase adapter protein alpha (mouse)
relationship: has_component PR:Q06138 {cardinality="1"} ! calcium-binding protein 39 (mouse)
relationship: has_component PR:Q9WTK7-2 {cardinality="1"} ! serine/threonine-protein kinase STK11 isoform 2 (mouse)
relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:10090 ! Mus musculus