id: PR:000027110
name: double-stranded RNA-activated factor 1 complex
def: "A transcription factor complex that binds to a DNA target containing the type I interferon-stimulated response element and induces transcription of responsive genes. A multimeric transcription factor containing the interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF-3) protein and one of the histone acetyl transferases, CREB binding protein (CBP) or p300 (CBP/p300)." [PRO:CNA, TLR:AMM, PMID:10805757]
comment: Category=complex. Requested by=TLR.
synonym: "draf1 complex" EXACT []
synonym: "dsRNA-activated factor 1" EXACT []
synonym: "IRF3-P dimer:CBP/p300" EXACT []
is_a: GO:0005667 ! transcription factor complex