id: PR:000050068
name: voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2-1
def: "A voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2/delta-1, signal peptide removed form that corresponds to the N-terminal portion after proteolytic cleavage. Example: UniProtKB:P54289-1, 25-956." [PRO:DAN, PMID:30519455]
comment: Category=modification. Note: Due to disulfide bonding, this subunit remains attached to the the delta-1 subunit (C-terminal portion of the uncleaved precursor) after cleavage.
synonym: "CACNA2D1/Clv:1" EXACT PRO-short-label [PRO:DNx]
is_a: PR:000050067 ! voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2/delta-1, signal peptide removed form
relationship: output_of GO:0016485 ! protein processing