PRotein Ontology (PRO) Release 30.0 (09-Nov-2012) There are 35131 PRO terms 324 terms are in the 'family' category. 24116 terms are in the 'gene' category. 1571 terms are in the 'sequence' category. 6403 terms are in the 'modification' category. 128 terms are in the 'complex' category. 4 terms are in the 'organism-family' category. 888 terms are in the 'organism-gene' category. 614 terms are in the 'organism-sequence' category. 643 terms are in the 'organism-modification' category. 237 terms are in the 'organism-complex' category. 16 terms are in the 'union' category. 1702 terms have some kind of annotation, codifying the information from 1193 papers. 2515 connections to GO (893 PRO terms). 374 connections to MOD (327 PRO terms). 607 connections to Pfam (363 PRO terms). 338 connections to SO (317 PRO terms). 344 annotations of a phenotype (337 PRO terms). The ontology includes a subset of terms from other ontologies and resources that are used for logical definitions. _Current changes_ 1) Please note that this release contains a number of duplicate names and synonyms. We will be take care of these in upcoming releases. _Forthcoming changes_ 1) Continue to add shorthand labels to terms. 2) Continue to expand the set of mapped terms. 3) Remove names and synonym duplicates.