Protein Ontology Report - E3 ubiquitin ligase SFC complex Skp1 subunitPR:000000002 - |
Ontology Information | |
PRO ID | PR:000000002 Show OBO stanza / PAF |
PRO name | E3 ubiquitin ligase SFC complex Skp1 subunit |
Definition | A protein that has a core domain composition consisting of an N-terminal Skp1 family, tetramerisation domain (Pfam:PF03931) followed by a Skp1 family, dimerisation domain (Pfam:PF01466). Skp1 proteins bind several F-box-containing proteins, and are involved in the ubiquitin protein degradation pathway. [PRO:CNA] |
PRO Category | family |
Parent | PR:000000001 protein |
Term Hierarchy Visualization | DAG OLS Cytoscape |
Related Cross References | |
DB identifiers | PIRSF:PIRSF028729 |
Functional Annotation