Protein Ontology Report - B7-related proteinPR:000001290 - |
Ontology Information | |
PRO ID | PR:000001290 Show OBO stanza |
PRO name | B7-related protein |
Definition | A protein that is a member of a family that includes translation products of genes CD86, CD276, ICOSLG, and others. These are membrane-anchored proteins with a small intracellular domain and an extracellular domain with signal sequence, an Immunoglobulin V-set domain (Pfam:PF07686), and a CD80-like C2-set immunoglobulin domain (Pfam:PF08205). [PRO:WCB] |
PRO Category | family |
Parent | PR:000000001 protein |
Term Hierarchy Visualization | DAG OLS Cytoscape |