Protein Ontology Report - caspase-1-like proteasePR:000002195 - |
Ontology Information | |
PRO ID | PR:000002195 Show OBO stanza |
PRO name | caspase-1-like protease |
Definition | A protein that is a translation product of a family of genes that includes CASP1, CASP2, CASP4, CASP5, CASP9 and others. The core architecture consists of a Caspase recruitment domain (Pfam:PF00619), Caspase domain (Pfam:PF00656) and a PAAD/DAPIN/Pyrin domain (Pfam:PF02758). Encoded as zymogens, the activated proteins are cysteine proteases typically involved in apoptosis. [PRO:WCB] |
PRO Category | family |
Parent | PR:000000001 protein |
Term Hierarchy Visualization | DAG OLS Cytoscape |
Related Cross References | |
DB identifiers | PIRSF:PIRSF038001 |