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Protein Ontology Report - IRF3:XPO1 complex

PR:000036044 -
Ontology Information
PRO ID PR:000036044 Show OBO stanza / PAF
PRO name IRF3:XPO1 complex
Definition A protein-containing complex that is composed of a dimer of phosphorylated IRF-3 bound to exportin-1 (via recognition of the NES sequence). This binding keeps the complex in the cytoplasm. [TLR:AMM]
PRO Category complex
Parent GO:0032991 protein-containing complex
Terms by PRO Category Retrieve All terms OBO Stanza / PAF
Organism-Independent Organism-Specific
Category Number of Terms Category Number of Terms
complex 1 organism-complex 1
Term Hierarchy Visualization DAG     OLS     Cytoscape

Complex Forms
PRO ID & Category Annotation Subunits Name Short Label Definition & Comment

Complex Subunits
Complex PRO ID Name Short Label Definition Number in Complex
PR:000036045 PR:Q14653 interferon regulatory factor 3 (human) hIRF3 An interferon regulatory factor 3 that is encoded in the genome of human. [PRO:CNA]
PR:O14980 exportin-1 (human) hXPO1 An exportin-1 that is encoded in the genome of human. [PRO:CNA]

Functional Annotation
PRO Term GO Annotation Evidence
IRF3:XPO1 complex (human)
located_in GO:0005737 cytoplasm PMID:10805757
Cellular Location GO Term Protein Forms & Complexes Evidence
GO:0005737 cytoplasm PR:000036045 IRF3:XPO1 complex (human)

