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  90 shown from total 253026 nodes

PR:000018263  amino acid chain
PR:000000001  protein
PR:000000007  TGF-beta superfamily receptor type-2 with activin receptor domain
PR:000000037  BMP receptor type-2
PR:000000148  BMP receptor type-2 isoform 1
PR:Q13873-1  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 isoform 1 (human)
PR:O35607-1  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:Q13873  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 (human)
PR:000000155  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant C117Y (human)
PR:000000156  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant C118W (human)
PR:000000157  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant C123R (human)
PR:000000158  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant C123S (human)
PR:000000160  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant C347Y (human)
PR:000000161  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant C420R (human)
PR:000000162  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant C483R (human)
PR:000000149  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant C60Y (human)
PR:000000150  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant D485G (human)
PR:000000159  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant E224D (human)
PR:000000153  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant K512T (human)
PR:000000154  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant N519K (human)
PR:000000151  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant R491Q (human)
PR:000000152  BMP receptor type-2 sequence variant R491W (human)
PR:000057061  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 N-glycosylated 1 (human)
PR:000057062  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 O-glycosylated 1 (human)
PR:000065967  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 deaminated 1 (human)
PR:000073289  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 deaminated 2 (human)
PR:000081621  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 deaminated 3 (human)
PR:Q13873-1  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 isoform 1 (human)
PR:Q13873-2  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 isoform h2 (human)
PR:000065377  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 methylated 1 (human)
PR:000046497  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2, signal peptide removed form (human)
PR:O35607  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 (mouse)
PR:O35607-1  bone morphogenetic protein receptor type-2 isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000000070  activin receptor type-2A
PR:Q90669  activin receptor type-2A (chicken)
PR:P27037  activin receptor type-2A (human)
PR:P27037-1  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 (human)
PR:000036441  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:P27037-2  activin receptor type-2A isoform h2 (human)
PR:000046258  activin receptor type-2A, signal peptide removed form (human)
PR:P27038  activin receptor type-2A (mouse)
PR:P27038-1  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000036440  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (mouse)
PR:P38444  activin receptor type-2A (rat)
PR:000000208  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1
PR:P27037-1  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 (human)
PR:000036441  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:P27038-1  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:000036440  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (mouse)
PR:000000414  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated form
PR:000000528  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1
PR:000036441  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:000036440  activin receptor type-2A isoform 1 glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (mouse)
PR:000000071  activin receptor type-2B
PR:Q90670  activin receptor type-2B (chicken)
PR:Q90670-1  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 (chicken)
PR:Q13705  activin receptor type-2B (human)
PR:Q13705-1  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 (human)
PR:000036443  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 N-glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:Q13705-2  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIBtrunc (human)
PR:000076998  activin receptor type-2B phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:000000214  activin receptor type-2B sequence variant R40H (human)
PR:000000215  activin receptor type-2B sequence variant V494I (human)
PR:000046259  activin receptor type-2B, signal peptide removed form (human)
PR:P27040  activin receptor type-2B (mouse)
PR:P27040-1  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB1 (mouse)
PR:P27040-2  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 (mouse)
PR:000036442  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 N-glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (mouse)
PR:P27040-3  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB3 (mouse)
PR:P27040-4  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB4 (mouse)
PR:P38445  activin receptor type-2B (rat)
PR:000000211  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB1
PR:P27040-1  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB1 (mouse)
PR:000000209  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2
PR:Q90670-1  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 (chicken)
PR:Q13705-1  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 (human)
PR:000036443  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 N-glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:P27040-2  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 (mouse)
PR:000036442  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 N-glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (mouse)
PR:000000415  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 glycosylated and phosphorylated form
PR:000000529  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 N-glycosylated and phosphorylated 1
PR:000036443  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 N-glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:000036442  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB2 N-glycosylated and phosphorylated 1 (mouse)
PR:000000212  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB3
PR:P27040-3  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB3 (mouse)
PR:000000213  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB4
PR:P27040-4  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIB4 (mouse)
PR:000000210  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIBtrunc
PR:Q13705-2  activin receptor type-2B isoform ActR-IIBtrunc (human)
PR:A0A0G2KN81  serine/threonine-protein kinase receptor (zebrafish)