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Reset to default PRO Hierarchy Protein Ontology Hierarchy (Note that the implicit relationship is is_a, whereas derives from indicates derives_from relationship.)
  64 shown from total 253082 nodes

PR:000018263  amino acid chain
PR:000000001  protein
PR:000030035  G-protein coupled receptor
PR:000001094  rhodopsin-like G-protein coupled receptor
PR:000001463  glycoprotein hormone receptor
PR:000001581  follitropin receptor
PR:P79763  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (chicken)
PR:P23945  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (human)
PR:000075711  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor cysteinylated 1 (human)
PR:000068999  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor deaminated 1 (human)
PR:P23945-1  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor isoform Long (human)
PR:P23945-2  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor isoform Short (human)
PR:P23945-3  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor isoform h3 (human)
PR:P23945-4  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor isoform h4 (human)
PR:000026866  follitropin receptor, signal peptide removed form (human)
PR:P35378  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (mouse)
PR:P35378-1  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:P20395  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (rat)
PR:P20395-1  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor isoform 1 (rat)
PR:000039335  follitropin receptor isoform 1
PR:P35378-1  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:P20395-1  follicle-stimulating hormone receptor isoform 1 (rat)
PR:000026865  follitropin receptor, signal peptide removed form
PR:000026866  follitropin receptor, signal peptide removed form (human)
PR:000001596  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor
PR:Q90674  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor (chicken)
PR:Q90674-1  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform 1 (chicken)
PR:Q90674-2  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform 2 (chicken)
PR:P22888  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor (human)
PR:P22888-1  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform Long (human)
PR:P22888-2  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform Short (human)
PR:000048196  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor, signal peptide removed form (human)
PR:P30730  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor (mouse)
PR:P30730-1  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:P16235  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor (rat)
PR:P16235-1  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform 1 (rat)
PR:P16235-9  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform EB (rat)
PR:P16235-2  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform r1759 (rat)
PR:P16235-3  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform r1834 (rat)
PR:P16235-4  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform r1950 (rat)
PR:P16235-5  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform r2075 (rat)
PR:P16235-10  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform rB1 (rat)
PR:P16235-11  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform rB3 (rat)
PR:P16235-6  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform rC1 (rat)
PR:P16235-7  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform rC2 (rat)
PR:P16235-8  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform rEA2 (rat)
PR:000039261  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform 1
PR:P30730-1  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:P16235-1  lutropin-choriogonadotropic hormone receptor isoform 1 (rat)
PR:000001677  thyrotropin receptor
PR:F1NKT4  thyrotropin receptor (chicken)
PR:P16473  thyrotropin receptor (human)
PR:P16473-1  thyrotropin receptor isoform Long (human)
PR:P16473-2  thyrotropin receptor isoform Short (human)
PR:P16473-3  thyrotropin receptor isoform h3 (human)
PR:000049558  thyrotropin receptor, signal peptide removed form (human)
PR:P47750  thyrotropin receptor (mouse)
PR:P47750-1  thyrotropin receptor isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:P21463  thyrotropin receptor (rat)
PR:000038957  thyrotropin receptor isoform 1
PR:P47750-1  thyrotropin receptor isoform 1 (mouse)
PR:P16473-1  thyrotropin receptor isoform Long (human)
PR:000018515  thyrotropin receptor, signal peptide removed form
PR:000049558  thyrotropin receptor, signal peptide removed form (human)