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  51 shown from total 253082 nodes

PR:000018263  amino acid chain
PR:000000001  protein
PR:000043452  core histone
PR:000027594  histone H3
PR:000008425  histone H3.3
PR:000020100  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed form
PR:000045274  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed ADP-ribosylated 1 (human)
PR:000045300  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed ADP-ribosylated 2 (human)
PR:000045278  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed acetylated 1 (human)
PR:000045280  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed acetylated 2 (human)
PR:000045289  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed acetylated 3 (human)
PR:000045292  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed acetylated 4 (human)
PR:000045297  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed acetylated 5 (human)
PR:000045298  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed acetylated 6 (human)
PR:000045303  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed acetylated 7 (human)
PR:000045312  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed acetylated 8 (human)
PR:000045279  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed biotinylated 1 (human)
PR:000045288  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed biotinylated 2 (human)
PR:000045270  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed citrullinated 1 (human)
PR:000045273  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed citrullinated 2 (human)
PR:000045299  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed citrullinated 3 (human)
PR:000045304  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed citrullinated 4 (human)
PR:000045276  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed dimethylated 1 (human)
PR:000045286  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed dimethylated 2 (human)
PR:000045287  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed dimethylated 3 (human)
PR:000045295  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed dimethylated 4 (human)
PR:000045302  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed dimethylated 5 (human)
PR:000045308  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed dimethylated 6 (human)
PR:000045310  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed dimethylated 7 (human)
PR:000045313  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed dimethylated 8 (human)
PR:000045271  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed monomethylated 1 (human)
PR:000045277  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed monomethylated 2 (human)
PR:000045281  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed monomethylated 3 (human)
PR:000045285  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed monomethylated 4 (human)
PR:000045293  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed monomethylated 5 (human)
PR:000045294  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed monomethylated 6 (human)
PR:000045307  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed monomethylated 7 (human)
PR:000045311  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed monomethylated 8 (human)
PR:000045269  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed phosphorylated 1 (human)
PR:000045272  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed phosphorylated 2 (human)
PR:000045282  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed phosphorylated 3 (human)
PR:000045283  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed phosphorylated 4 (human)
PR:000045284  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed phosphorylated 5 (human)
PR:000045290  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed phosphorylated 6 (human)
PR:000045305  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed phosphorylated 7 (human)
PR:000045306  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed phosphorylated 8 (human)
PR:000045275  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed trimethylated 1 (human)
PR:000045291  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed trimethylated 2 (human)
PR:000045296  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed trimethylated 3 (human)
PR:000045301  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed trimethylated 4 (human)
PR:000045309  histone H3.3, initiator methionine removed trimethylated 5 (human)