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PR:F4JS25 | suppressor of RPS4-RLD 1 (Arabidopsis thaliana) | | | | | |
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PR:F4JS25-1 | suppressor of RPS4-RLD 1 isoform 1 (Arabidopsis thaliana) | | | | | |
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PR:F4JS25-2 | suppressor of RPS4-RLD 1 isoform 2 (Arabidopsis thaliana) | | | | | |
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PR:Q8NBP0 | tetratricopeptide repeat protein 13 (human) | | | | | |
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PR:000076434 | tetratricopeptide repeat protein 13 cysteinylated 1 (human) | | | | | |
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PR:000083624 | tetratricopeptide repeat protein 13 deaminated 1 (human) | | | | | |
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PR:Q8NBP0-1 | tetratricopeptide repeat protein 13 isoform h1 (human) | | | | | |
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PR:Q8NBP0-2 | tetratricopeptide repeat protein 13 isoform h2 (human) | | | | | |
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PR:000083055 | tetratricopeptide repeat protein 13 methylated 1 (human) | | | | | |
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PR:000085210 | tetratricopeptide repeat protein 13 phosphorylated 1 (human) | | | | | |