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Protein Ontology Report - (TGFBR1/iso:1/SigPep-/Phos:1)*2

PR:000025975 -
Ontology Information
PRO ID PR:000025975 Show OBO stanza
PRO name transforming growth factor beta type I receptor homodimeric complex phosphorylated form
PRO-short-label: EXACT: (TGFBR1/iso:1/SigPep-/Phos:1)*2
Definition A protein-containing complex that is composed of two TGF-beta receptor type-1 isoform 1, signal peptide removed forms that have been phosphorylated by activated TGF-beta type II receptor. [PRO:CNA]
PRO Category complex
Parent GO:0032991 protein-containing complex
Terms by PRO Category Retrieve All terms OBO Stanza / PAF
Organism-Independent Organism-Specific
Category Number of Terms Category Number of Terms
complex 1 organism-complex 1
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Complex Forms
PRO ID & Category Annotation Subunits Name Short Label Definition & Comment

Complex Subunits
Complex PRO ID Name Short Label Definition Number in Complex
PR:000025975 PR:000000523 TGF-beta receptor type-1 isoform 1, signal peptide removed phosphorylated 1 TGFBR1/iso:1/SigPep-/Phos:1 A TGF-beta receptor type-1 isoform 1, signal peptide removed phosphorylated form in which the phosphorylation occurs within the GS-motif by TGFBR2. Phosphorylation of any of the Ser or Thr seems to be sufficient to transduce signal, however full activation is achieved when five of these residues are phosphorylated. Example: UniProtKB:P36897-1, 34-503, Ser-165/Ser-187/Ser-189/Ser-191, MOD:00046|Thr-185/Thr-186, MOD:00047. [PMID:7774578, PMID:8947046] 2
PR:000025961 PR:000025959 TGF-beta receptor type-1 isoform 1, signal peptide removed phosphorylated 1 (human) hTGFBR1/iso:1/SigPep-/Phos:1 A TGF-beta receptor type-1 isoform 1, signal peptide removed phosphorylated 1 in human. Phosphorylation occurs by the action of active TGF-beta receptor type-2 within the GS-motifs. UniProtKB:P36897-1, 34-503, Ser-165/Ser-187/Ser-189/Ser-191, MOD:00046|Thr-185/Thr-186, MOD:00047. [PMID:7774578, PMID:8947046] 2
