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Protein Ontology Report - caspase-8 complex (human)

PR:000036068 -
Ontology Information
PRO ID PR:000036068 Show OBO stanza / GPI
PRO name caspase-8 complex (human)
Other: EXACT: human active caspase-8
Definition A caspase-8 complex that is composed of two anti-parallel arranged heterodimers, each one formed by p10 and p18 subunits of caspase-8 in human. [PMID:9184224]
PRO Category organism-complex
Parent PR:000036067 caspase-8 complex
Taxon NCBITaxon:9606 Homo sapiens
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Category Number of Terms
organism-complex 1
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Complex Forms
PRO ID & Category Annotation Subunits Name Short Label Definition & Comment

Complex Subunits
Complex PRO ID Name Short Label Definition Number in Complex
PR:000036068 PR:000036065 caspase-8 isoform 1 cleaved 2 (human) hCASP8/iso:1/Clv:2 A caspase-8 isoform 1 cleaved 2 in human. UniProtKB:Q14790-1, 385-479. [PMID:9184224, PRO:CNA] 2
PR:000036063 caspase-8 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human) hCASP8/iso:1/Clv:1 A caspase-8 isoform 1 cleaved 1 in human. UniProtKB:Q14790-1, 217-374. [PMID:9184224, PRO:CNA] 2
