An LPS:secreted CD14 complex whose components are encoded in the genome of mouse.
[PMID:10601848, PMID:18606699]
Requested by=TLR. Note: PMID:10601848 shows evidence for complex in Figure 1, and indicates in the discussion that it uses the high M(r) form of sCD14. However, the authors show that the specific form of sCD14 found has the same M(r) as the mCD14, which is a hallmark of the shorter form. For this reason we consider the actual form used to be unclear. In PMID:18606699, evidence is indirect from response of endothelial epithelium to LPS with sCD14 depleted mouse plasma compared to normal.
Natural compounds consisting of a trisaccharide repeating unit (two heptose units and octulosonic acid) with oligosaccharide side chains and 3-hydroxytetradecanoic acid units (they are a major constituent of the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria).