Protein Ontology Report - erm proteinPR:000001030 - |
Ontology Information | |
PRO ID | PR:000001030 Show OBO stanza / PAF |
PRO name | erm protein |
Definition | A protein that contain 3 domains, an N-terminal globular domain, an extended alpha-helical domain, and a charged C-terminal domain. Ezrin, radixin and merlin also contain a polyproline region between the helical and C-terminal domains. The N-terminal domain is highly conserved, and is also found in merlin, band 4.1 proteins and members of the band 4.1 superfamily. ERM proteins are involved in crosslinking actin filaments with plasma membranes. [InterPro:IPR011259] |
PRO Category | family |
Parent | PR:000000001 protein |
Term Hierarchy Visualization | DAG OLS Cytoscape |
Related Cross References | |
DB identifiers | PIRSF:PIRSF002305 |
Functional Annotation