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  1231 shown from total 253082 nodes

PR:000018263  amino acid chain
PR:000000001  protein
PR:000018264  proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018744  14-3-3 protein beta/alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021868  14-3-3 protein gamma proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000035718  40S ribosomal protein S27a
PR:000035719  40S ribosomal protein S27a (human)
PR:000018524  5'-nucleotidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000035724  60S ribosomal protein L40
PR:000035725  60S ribosomal protein L40 (human)
PR:000020610  72 kDa type IV collagenase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018362  ADAM 17 endopeptidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024323  ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018749  BH3-interacting domain death agonist proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000002439  BH3-interacting domain death agonist isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000028379  BH3-interacting domain death agonist isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000026785  BH3-interacting domain death agonist isoform 1 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000002440  BH3-interacting domain death agonist isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000026786  BH3-interacting domain death agonist isoform 1 cleaved 2 (mouse)
PR:000002441  BH3-interacting domain death agonist isoform 1 cleaved 3
PR:000018727  C-C motif chemokine 13 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018635  C-C motif chemokine 14 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018638  C-C motif chemokine 15 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018645  C-C motif chemokine 18 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018650  C-C motif chemokine 20 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018655  C-C motif chemokine 22 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018658  C-C motif chemokine 23 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018732  C-C motif chemokine 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019258  C-C motif chemokine 3-like 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018735  C-C motif chemokine 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018718  C-C motif chemokine 5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019627  C-C motif chemokine 6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018738  C-C motif chemokine 8 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019628  C-C motif chemokine 9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019588  C-X-C motif chemokine 10 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019596  C-X-C motif chemokine 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019599  C-X-C motif chemokine 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019602  C-X-C motif chemokine 5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019605  C-X-C motif chemokine 6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019500  C-reactive protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020779  C-type natriuretic peptide proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000002146  CD14 molecule cleaved 1 soluble form
PR:000036615  CD14 molecule cleaved 1 soluble form (human)
PR:000037469  CD14 molecule cleaved 1 soluble form (mouse)
PR:000002148  CD14 molecule cleaved and GPI-anchored form
PR:000036849  CD14 molecule cleaved and soluble form
PR:000002146  CD14 molecule cleaved 1 soluble form
PR:000002147  CD14 molecule cleaved 2 soluble form
PR:000036945  CD14 molecule cleaved and soluble form (human)
PR:000036615  CD14 molecule cleaved 1 soluble form (human)
PR:000035703  CD14 molecule cleaved 2 soluble form (human)
PR:000036850  CD14 molecule cleaved and soluble form (mouse)
PR:000037469  CD14 molecule cleaved 1 soluble form (mouse)
PR:000029986  CD14 molecule cleaved 2 soluble form (mouse)
PR:000025455  CD2 molecule proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018381  CD48 molecule proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019275  CD59 glycoprotein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024373  DNA polymerase III subunit tau proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020770  FMRFamide-related neuropeptide FF proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020785  FMRFamide-related neuropeptide VF proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021263  GTP-binding protein Rheb proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018289  GTP-binding protein RhoA proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000029707  GTPase HRas proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020402  GTPase KRas proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000036445derives_from  HIV-type integrase
PR:000036446derives_from  HIV-type p15
PR:000036447derives_from  HIV-type reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H
PR:000020283  Indian hedgehog protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018390  L-selectin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025001derives_from  M-factor
PR:000020561  MAM domain-containing glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000001276  Muellerian-inhibiting factor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018924  N(4)-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020029  N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase subunits alpha/beta proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020704  N-acetylglutamate synthase, mitochondrial proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019609  NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020722  NEDD8 protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024856derives_from  P-factor-like 1
PR:000024857derives_from  P-factor-like 2
PR:000024855derives_from  P-factor
PR:000024858derives_from  inactivated P-factor
PR:000018533  P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025410  PC4 and SFRS1-interacting protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000003424  PC4 and SFRS1-interacting protein p38
PR:000036645  PC4 and SFRS1-interacting protein p38 (human)
PR:000020885  ProSAAS proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021239  RNA-binding motif protein, X chromosome proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021225  Ras-related protein Rap-1A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021226  Ras-related protein Rap-1b proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021227  Ras-related protein Rap-2b proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020165  Rho GTPase-activating protein 45 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025435  Rho-associated protein kinase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000563  Rho-associated protein kinase 1 isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000026340  Rho-associated protein kinase 1 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000036476  Rho-associated protein kinase 1 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000025436  Rho-associated protein kinase 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000564  Rho-associated protein kinase 2 isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000036477  Rho-associated protein kinase 2 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000021264  Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoB proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019101  S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzyme 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024760  S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzyme proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018695  T-cell surface glycoprotein CD1e proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018292  TGF-beta 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000617  TGF-beta 1 isoform 1 latency associated peptide
PR:000036526  TGF-beta 1 isoform 1 latency associated peptide (human)
PR:000000616  TGF-beta 1 isoform 1 mature form
PR:000025930  TGF-beta 1 isoform 1 mature form (green monkey)
PR:000025927  TGF-beta 1 isoform 1 mature form (human)
PR:000025928  TGF-beta 1 isoform 1 mature form (mouse)
PR:000025929  TGF-beta 1 isoform 1 mature form (rat)
PR:000000625  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant C225R cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000000626  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant C225R cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000000623  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant H222D cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000000624  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant H222D cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000000621  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant R218C cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000000622  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant R218C cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000000627  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant R218H cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000000628  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant R218H cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000000619  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant T81H cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000000620  TGF-beta 1 sequence variant T81H cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000018293  TGF-beta 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000629  TGF-beta 2 isoform A cleaved 1
PR:000036530  TGF-beta 2 isoform A cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000000630  TGF-beta 2 isoform A cleaved 2
PR:000036532  TGF-beta 2 isoform A cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000036531  TGF-beta 2 isoform A cleaved 2 (mouse)
PR:000000631  TGF-beta 2 isoform A cleaved 3
PR:000036533  TGF-beta 2 isoform A cleaved 3 (human)
PR:000000632  TGF-beta 2 isoform B cleaved 1
PR:000036534  TGF-beta 2 isoform B cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000000633  TGF-beta 2 isoform B cleaved 2
PR:000036535  TGF-beta 2 isoform B cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000018294  TGF-beta 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000634  TGF-beta 3 isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000036536  TGF-beta 3 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000036537  TGF-beta 3 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000000635  TGF-beta 3 isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000000636  TGF-beta 3 isoform 1 cleaved 3
PR:000036538  TGF-beta 3 isoform 1 cleaved 3 (mouse)
PR:000025411  TGF-beta receptor type-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025412  TGF-beta receptor type-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018546  Thy-1 membrane glycoprotein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018895  a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018896  a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 13 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000037806  a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 18 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000037808  a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 18 C-terminal fragment (mouse)
PR:000018897  a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018898  a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 7 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018899  a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019059  acid ceramidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024304  acid shock protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018880  acrosin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018883  actin, aortic smooth muscle proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018885  actin, cytoplasmic 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018887  actin, cytoplasmic 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018295  activin/inhibin beta A chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021927  activin/inhibin beta B chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021933  activin/inhibin beta C chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021928  activin/inhibin beta E chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018999  acyloxyacyl hydrolase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021934  adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000001274  adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L1 isoform 4 cleaved 1
PR:000036603  adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L1 isoform 4 cleaved 1 (rat)
PR:000001275  adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L1 isoform 4 cleaved 2
PR:000036604  adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L1 isoform 4 cleaved 2 (rat)
PR:000045349  advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000045350  RICD
PR:000045353  RICD (human)
PR:000045351  RICD (mouse)
PR:000045352  RICD (rat)
PR:000045366  advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor isoform 1 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000045367  advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor isoform 1 cleaved and N-glycosylated 1 (mouse)
PR:000045354  sRAGE proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000045356  sRAGE proteolytic cleavage product (human)
PR:000045355  sRAGE proteolytic cleavage product (mouse)
PR:000045364  sRAGE proteolytic cleavage product (rat)
PR:000025488  agglutinin isolectin 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018864  aggrecan core protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018950  albumin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018969  alkaline phosphatase, placental type proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021423  alpha-1-antichymotrypsin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021416  alpha-1-antitrypsin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018937  alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021440  alpha-2-antiplasmin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020703  alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019524  alpha-S1-casein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019502  alpha-crystallin A chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025413  alpha-latrotoxin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021386  aminoacyl tRNA synthase complex-interacting multifunctional protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019041  amphiregulin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019036  amyloid-beta precursor protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025582derives_from  C80
PR:000025581derives_from  C83
PR:000025588derives_from  P3(40)
PR:000025587derives_from  P3(42)
PR:000025580derives_from  C99
PR:000036193derives_from  amyloid beta peptide
PR:000025584  beta-amyloid protein 40
PR:000050064  beta-amyloid protein 40 (human)
PR:000085741  beta-amyloid protein 40 (mouse)
PR:000025583  beta-amyloid protein 42
PR:000050063  beta-amyloid protein 42 (human)
PR:000025588derives_from  P3(40)
PR:000025587derives_from  P3(42)
PR:000036193derives_from  amyloid beta peptide
PR:000025584  beta-amyloid protein 40
PR:000050064  beta-amyloid protein 40 (human)
PR:000085741  beta-amyloid protein 40 (mouse)
PR:000025583  beta-amyloid protein 42
PR:000050063  beta-amyloid protein 42 (human)
PR:000025589derives_from  gamma-secretase C-terminal fragment 50
PR:000025585derives_from  gamma-secretase C-terminal fragment 57
PR:000025586derives_from  gamma-secretase C-terminal fragment 59
PR:000025744  precursor of amyloid-beta precursor protein gamma-secretase C-terminal fragment
PR:000025581  C83
PR:000025580  C99
PR:000025589derives_from  gamma-secretase C-terminal fragment 50
PR:000025585derives_from  gamma-secretase C-terminal fragment 57
PR:000025586derives_from  gamma-secretase C-terminal fragment 59
PR:000025577derives_from  soluble APP-alpha
PR:000025578derives_from  soluble APP-beta
PR:000025579derives_from  soluble APP-theta
PR:000018866  angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018395  angiotensin-converting enzyme proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018932  angiotensinogen proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000036013derives_from  angiotensin 1-7
PR:000036012derives_from  angiotensin 1-9
PR:000036010derives_from  angiotensin III
PR:000036011derives_from  angiotensin IV
PR:000036009derives_from  angiotensin II
PR:000036013derives_from  angiotensin 1-7
PR:000036010derives_from  angiotensin III
PR:000036011derives_from  angiotensin IV
PR:000036011derives_from  angiotensin IV
PR:000036008derives_from  angiotensin I
PR:000036012derives_from  angiotensin 1-9
PR:000036009derives_from  angiotensin II
PR:000036013derives_from  angiotensin 1-7
PR:000036010derives_from  angiotensin III
PR:000036011derives_from  angiotensin IV
PR:000024433  antigen 43 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019010  apolipoprotein A-I proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019013  apolipoprotein A-II proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019018  apolipoprotein B-100 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019029  apolipoprotein F proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019999  appetite-regulating hormone proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018934  aryl hydrocarbon receptor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019058  arylsulfatase A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024637  aspartate 1-decarboxylase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085749  asprosin (mouse)
PR:000020775  atrial natriuretic factor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019098  azurocidin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021070  basic salivary proline-rich protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021071  basic salivary proline-rich protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021074  basic salivary proline-rich protein 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025414  basigin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019111  beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019110  beta-2-microglobulin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019505  beta-crystallin B1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019661  beta-defensin 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019717  beta-defensin 8 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020129  beta-hexosaminidase subunit alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020130  beta-hexosaminidase subunit beta proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020737  beta-nerve growth factor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019112  beta-secretase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019113  beta-secretase 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025415  beta-type platelet-derived growth factor receptor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024268  bifunctional transcriptional activator/DNA repair enzyme Ada proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019131  biglycan proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019133  biliverdin reductase A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021082  bone marrow proteoglycan proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019135  bone morphogenetic protein 15 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018286  bone morphogenetic protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018287  bone morphogenetic protein 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021931  bone morphogenetic protein 5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021932  bone morphogenetic protein 6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018288  bone morphogenetic protein 7 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019130  brain-derived neurotrophic factor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018481  cadherin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019284  cadherin-13 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018480  cadherin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019287  cadherin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019220  calcitonin gene-related peptide 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019362  calcium-activated chloride channel regulator 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019363  calcium-activated chloride channel regulator 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019376  calsyntenin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019204  carbonic anhydrase 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019451  carboxypeptidase A1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019452  carboxypeptidase A2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019458  carboxypeptidase B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019459  carboxypeptidase B2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019460  carboxypeptidase E proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020945  carboxypeptidase Q proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018406  carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 8 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019355  cartilage intermediate layer protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025416  cartilage oligomeric matrix protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000028527  casein derived peptide
PR:000036522derives_from  alpha-S1-casein derived peptide
PR:000044356  alpha-S1-casein antioxidant peptide (cow)
PR:000044363  alpha-S1-casein antioxidant peptide sequence variant E99D (cow)
PR:000044352  alpha-S1-casein peptide (f16-23) (cow)
PR:000044353  alpha-S1-casein peptide (f16-24) (cow)
PR:000044354  alpha-S1-casein peptide (f17-25) (cow)
PR:000044355  alpha-S1-casein peptide (f46-52) (cow)
PR:000036523derives_from  alpha-S2-casein derived peptide
PR:000036524derives_from  beta-casein derived peptide
PR:000044366  beta-casein antioxidant peptide (Bos mutus)
PR:000044359  beta-casein antioxidant peptide (cow)
PR:000044364  beta-casein peptide (f121-128) (Bos mutus)
PR:000044357  beta-casein peptide (f121-128) (cow)
PR:000044365  beta-casein peptide (f16-43) (Bos mutus)
PR:000044358  beta-casein peptide (f16-43) (cow)
PR:000044368  casohypotensin (Bos mutus)
PR:000044361  casohypotensin (cow)
PR:000044367  casoparan (Bos mutus)
PR:000044360  casoparan (cow)
PR:000044369  gamma-1-casein (Bos mutus)
PR:000044362  gamma-1-casein (cow)
PR:000018758  caspase-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000002449  caspase-1 isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000002450  caspase-1 isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000018759  caspase-10 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019242  caspase-14 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018761  caspase-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000002453  caspase-2 subunit p12
PR:000050112  caspase-2 subunit p12 (human)
PR:000002452  caspase-2 subunit p13
PR:000050111  caspase-2 subunit p13 (human)
PR:000002451  caspase-2 subunit p18
PR:000050110  caspase-2 subunit p18 (human)
PR:000018762  caspase-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000002454  caspase-3 isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000026876  caspase-3 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000002455  caspase-3 isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000026877  caspase-3 isoform 1 cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000018763  caspase-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018764  caspase-5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018765  caspase-6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000002456  caspase-6 subunit p11
PR:000050094  caspase-6 subunit p11 (human)
PR:000002457  caspase-6 subunit p18
PR:000050093  caspase-6 subunit p18 (human)
PR:000018767  caspase-7 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000002458  caspase-7 subunit p11
PR:000050106  caspase-7 subunit p11 (human)
PR:000002459  caspase-7 subunit p20
PR:000050105  caspase-7 subunit p20 (human)
PR:000018768  caspase-8 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000036062  caspase-8 isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000036063  caspase-8 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000036064  caspase-8 isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000036065  caspase-8 isoform 1 cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000018769  caspase-9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000002461  caspase-9 isoform 1 subunit p10
PR:000002460  caspase-9 isoform 1 subunit p35
PR:000050090  caspase-9 subunit p10
PR:000050096  caspase-9 subunit p10 (human)
PR:000050089  caspase-9 subunit p35
PR:000050095  caspase-9 subunit p35 (human)
PR:000019555  cathepsin B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019561  cathepsin D proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019564  cathepsin E proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019565  cathepsin F proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019568  cathepsin G proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019571  cathepsin H proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019639  cathepsin J proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018547  cathepsin K proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019575  cathepsin L2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019640  cathepsin M proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019576  cathepsin O proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019577  cathepsin S proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019580  cathepsin Z proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019280  cell division control protein 42 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019244  cerebellin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019255  cholecystokinin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025417  cholera enterotoxin subunit A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021965  cholera enterotoxin subunit A1
PR:000036647  cholera enterotoxin subunit A1 (Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961)
PR:000021966  cholera enterotoxin subunit A2
PR:000036648  cholera enterotoxin subunit A2 (Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar El Tor str. N16961)
PR:000025418  cholera enterotoxin subunit B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025419  chordin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000425  chordin isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000036411  chordin isoform 1 cleaved 2 (mouse)
PR:000019326  chromogranin-A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019382  chymase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019551  chymotrypsin-C proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019772  chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019776  chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 2A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019779  chymotrypsin-like elastase family member 2B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019549  chymotrypsinogen B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019550  chymotrypsinogen B2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019379  clusterin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019842  coagulation factor IX proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000035934  coagulation factor IXa heavy chain
PR:000035935  coagulation factor IXa heavy chain (human)
PR:000019837  coagulation factor V proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000035910  coagulation factor V light chain
PR:000035911  coagulation factor V light chain (human)
PR:000019838  coagulation factor VII proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050102  coagulation factor VII zymogen
PR:000050107  coagulation factor VII zymogen (human)
PR:000035927  coagulation factor VIIa heavy chain (human)
PR:000050108  coagulation factor VIIa light chain (human)
PR:000035926  coagulation factor VIIa heavy chain
PR:000035927  coagulation factor VIIa heavy chain (human)
PR:000050103  coagulation factor VIIa light chain
PR:000050108  coagulation factor VIIa light chain (human)
PR:000019841  coagulation factor VIII proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019823  coagulation factor X proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000035936  activated factor Xa heavy chain
PR:000035937  activated factor Xa heavy chain (human)
PR:000019826  coagulation factor XI proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019829  coagulation factor XII proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019831  coagulation factor XIII A chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019416  coatomer subunit alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019241  cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000037270  cochlin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000037262  cochlin p18 (mouse)
PR:000037263  cochlin p40 (mouse)
PR:000037261  cochlin p8 (mouse)
PR:000018798  collagen alpha-1(I) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000003372  collagen alpha-1(I) chain isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000018809  collagen alpha-1(III) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019407  collagen alpha-1(IV) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018813  collagen alpha-1(V) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025420  collagen alpha-1(VI) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025421  collagen alpha-1(VII) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019412  collagen alpha-1(VIII) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019396  collagen alpha-1(XI) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019398  collagen alpha-1(XV) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019401  collagen alpha-1(XVII) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019402  collagen alpha-1(XVIII) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019403  collagen alpha-1(XXV) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019404  collagen alpha-1(XXVII) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018799  collagen alpha-2(I) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019410  collagen alpha-2(IV) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018812  collagen alpha-2(V) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025422  collagen alpha-2(VI) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019397  collagen alpha-2(XI) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019411  collagen alpha-3(IV) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025423  collagen alpha-3(VI) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025424  collagen alpha-4(IV) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025425  collagen alpha-5(IV) chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018800  collagen type II alpha chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000003367  chondrocalcin
PR:000003368  collagen type II alpha chain isoform 2 cleaved 1
PR:000019169  complement C1r subcomponent proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019172  complement C1s subcomponent proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019175  complement C2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019178  complement C3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050119  complement C3 beta chain
PR:000050121  C3-beta-c
PR:000050134  C3-beta-c (human)
PR:000050133  complement C3 beta chain (human)
PR:000050134  C3-beta-c (human)
PR:000019181  complement C4-A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019184  complement C4-B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019189  complement C5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019194  complement component C8 beta chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019199  complement component C9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018411  complement decay-accelerating factor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019308  complement factor B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019315  complement factor I proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019461  complexin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019462  complexin-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019390  contactin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019087  copper-transporting ATPase 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019483  corticoliberin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019581  cubilin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019066  cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019067  cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 beta proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019474  cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019475  cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019476  cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019477  cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019478  cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like protein 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019289  cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050087  cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator 1 cleaved 1
PR:000050088  cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000085739  cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator 1 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000029994derives_from  cysteine desulfurase cleaved 1 (yeast)
PR:000019490  cysteine-rich motor neuron 1 protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019624  cytochrome P450 4A11 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050072  cytochrome b-c1 complex Rieske-derived subunit 9
PR:000050081  cytochrome b-c1 complex Rieske-derived subunit 9 (human)
PR:000050382  cytokeratin-19 fragment 21-1 (human)
PR:000020995  cytosolic phospholipase A2 gamma proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018276  decorin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000550  decorin isoform A cleaved 2
PR:000036460  decorin isoform A cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000019718  defensin-related cryptdin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000036818  dengue virus genome polyprotein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000036842derives_from  2KNS4B
PR:000036831derives_from  2K
PR:000044765  2K (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036831derives_from  2K
PR:000044765  2K (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036836derives_from  C-prM
PR:000036819derives_from  capsid protein C
PR:000036837derives_from  prM
PR:000036821derives_from  M protein
PR:000044757  M protein (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000036820derives_from  pr protein
PR:000044769  prM (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044770  prM (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036822derives_from  E protein
PR:000036821derives_from  M protein
PR:000044757  M protein (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000036998derives_from  NS1-NS2A
PR:000036824derives_from  NS1
PR:000044758  NS1 (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000037000  NS1, with complex sugar attached
PR:000037001  NS1, without complex sugar attached
PR:000036825derives_from  NS2A
PR:000044760  NS2A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044759  NS2A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036838derives_from  NS12345
PR:000036998derives_from  NS1-NS2A
PR:000036824derives_from  NS1
PR:000044758  NS1 (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000037000  NS1, with complex sugar attached
PR:000037001  NS1, without complex sugar attached
PR:000036825derives_from  NS2A
PR:000044760  NS2A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044759  NS2A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036826derives_from  NS2A-alpha
PR:000036873derives_from  NS2B-NS3 polyprotein precursor
PR:000036827derives_from  NS2B
PR:000044761  NS2B (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036839derives_from  NS345
PR:000036828derives_from  NS3
PR:000044762  NS3 (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036840derives_from  NS4A-NS4B-NS5
PR:000036841derives_from  NS4AB
PR:000036842derives_from  2KNS4B
PR:000036831derives_from  2K
PR:000044765  2K (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036830derives_from  NS4A
PR:000044764  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044763  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036843derives_from  NS4B-NS5
PR:000036824derives_from  NS1
PR:000044758  NS1 (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000037000  NS1, with complex sugar attached
PR:000037001  NS1, without complex sugar attached
PR:000036826derives_from  NS2A-alpha
PR:000036825derives_from  NS2A
PR:000044760  NS2A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044759  NS2A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036873derives_from  NS2B-NS3 polyprotein precursor
PR:000036827derives_from  NS2B
PR:000044761  NS2B (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036839derives_from  NS345
PR:000036828derives_from  NS3
PR:000044762  NS3 (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036840derives_from  NS4A-NS4B-NS5
PR:000036841derives_from  NS4AB
PR:000036842derives_from  2KNS4B
PR:000036831derives_from  2K
PR:000044765  2K (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036830derives_from  NS4A
PR:000044764  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044763  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036843derives_from  NS4B-NS5
PR:000036828derives_from  NS3
PR:000044762  NS3 (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036840derives_from  NS4A-NS4B-NS5
PR:000036841derives_from  NS4AB
PR:000036842derives_from  2KNS4B
PR:000036831derives_from  2K
PR:000044765  2K (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036830derives_from  NS4A
PR:000044764  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044763  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036843derives_from  NS4B-NS5
PR:000036841derives_from  NS4AB
PR:000036842derives_from  2KNS4B
PR:000036831derives_from  2K
PR:000044765  2K (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036830derives_from  NS4A
PR:000044764  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044763  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036830derives_from  NS4A
PR:000044764  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044763  NS4A (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036843derives_from  NS4B-NS5
PR:000036833derives_from  NS4B
PR:000044767  NS4B (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044766  NS4B (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036835derives_from  NS5
PR:000044768  NS5 (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036819derives_from  capsid protein C
PR:000036820derives_from  pr protein
PR:000036837derives_from  prM
PR:000036821derives_from  M protein
PR:000044757  M protein (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000036820derives_from  pr protein
PR:000044769  prM (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044770  prM (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036832  precursor of NS4B
PR:000036841  NS4AB
PR:000036843  NS4B-NS5
PR:000036833derives_from  NS4B
PR:000044767  NS4B (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/16681/84)
PR:000044766  NS4B (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000036834  precursor of NS5
PR:000036840  NS4A-NS4B-NS5
PR:000036843  NS4B-NS5
PR:000036835derives_from  NS5
PR:000044768  NS5 (Dengue virus 2 Thailand/NGS-C/1944)
PR:000019708  dentin sialophosphoprotein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019649  dermcidin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019670  desert hedgehog protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025426  diablo IAP-binding mitochondrial protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019681  dickkopf-related protein 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019705  dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase [NADP(+)] proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019700  dipeptidase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019558  dipeptidyl peptidase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018418  dipeptidyl peptidase 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018892  disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019644  dopamine beta-hydroxylase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019642  dystroglycan 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000037405  dystroglycan 1 alpha chain (mouse)
PR:000037406  dystroglycan 1 beta chain (mouse)
PR:000020317  early placenta insulin-like peptide proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019727  ectodysplasin-A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019782  ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase family member 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020960  elafin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019734  endothelin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019735  endothelin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019736  endothelin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020723  enhancer of filamentation 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021128  enteropeptidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019802  eosinophil peroxidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019744  ephrin-A1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019822  epidermal growth factor-binding protein type B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000060269  epidermal growth factor
PR:000020513  epididymal-specific lipocalin-5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019798  erythropoietin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020005  eukaryotic-type beta-galactosidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021334  eukaryotic-type small ribosomal subunit protein uS7 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019820  exostosin-like 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021531  extracellular superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019875  fibrinogen alpha chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019878  fibrinogen beta chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019879  fibroblast growth factor 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019882  fibroblast growth factor 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019887  fibroblast growth factor 23 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019890  fibroblast growth factor 9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019919  fibronectin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019921  folate receptor alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019924  folate receptor beta proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025457  follistatin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024488  formate hydrogenlyase subunit 5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018550  fractalkine proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019948  frataxin, mitochondrial proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018787  furin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019959  galanin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019988  gamma-glutamyltransferase 6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018490  gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020231  gamma-interferon-inducible lysosomal thiol reductase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020016  ganglioside GM2 activator proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085744  gasdermin-C2 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000085756  gasdermin-C2 cleaved 2 (mouse)
PR:000085754  gasdermin-D p13 (mouse)
PR:000085755  gasdermin-D p40 (mouse)
PR:000020000  gastric inhibitory polypeptide proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020944  gastricsin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019973  gastrin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020093  gastrin-releasing peptide proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024458  glutamate synthase [NADPH] large chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019783  glycerophosphocholine cholinephosphodiesterase ENPP6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020044  glypican-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020045  glypican-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020046  glypican-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020047  glypican-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020048  glypican-5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020049  glypican-6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018832  granzyme C proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018823  granzyme D proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018829  granzyme E proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018838  granzyme F proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018826  granzyme G proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018835  granzyme H proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018820  granzyme K proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020987  group 10 secretory phospholipase A2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019995  growth hormone receptor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019585  growth-regulated alpha protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021929  growth/differentiation factor 5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021930  growth/differentiation factor 7 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020024  guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-11 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020026  guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020027  guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020084  guanylate cyclase activator 2B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020083  guanylin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020180  haptoglobin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020115  hemoglobin subunit beta proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020186  heparanase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050115  heparanase 50 kDa subunit
PR:000050118  heparanase 50 kDa subunit (human)
PR:000050114  heparanase 8 kDa subunit
PR:000050117  heparanase 8 kDa subunit (human)
PR:000036450derives_from  hepatitis C-type RNA-directed RNA polymerase
PR:000020138  hepatocyte growth factor activator proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020135  hepatocyte growth factor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020108  hepcidin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020172  heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020174  heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020214  histatin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020217  histatin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018849  histo-blood group ABO system transferase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019812  homeobox protein ESX1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020123  host cell factor 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020109  hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020103  hyaluronan-binding protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024485  hydrogenase-2 large chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020124  hypocretin neuropeptide precursor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020230  iduronate 2-sulfatase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024858derives_from  inactivated P-factor
PR:000018518  inhibin alpha chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000001732  inhibin alpha chain isoform 1 cleaved and glycosylated form
PR:000001736  inhibin alpha chain isoform 1 cleaved and N-glycosylated 1
PR:000001733  inhibin alpha chain isoform 1 cleaved and N-glycosylated 2
PR:000036608  inhibin alpha chain isoform 1 cleaved and N-glycosylated 2 (human)
PR:000020489  inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor associated 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020320  insulin receptor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020360  insulin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020363  insulin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020314  insulin-like 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018803  insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000003276  insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000003277  insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000020357  insulin-like growth factor I proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020267  insulin-like growth factor II proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020336  integrin alpha-5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018311  integrin alpha-E proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020329  integrin alpha-IIb proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020343  integrin alpha-V proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020348  inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020349  inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020350  inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020353  inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018271  interferon gamma proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020662  interferon-induced GTP-binding protein Mx1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020233  interferon-induced protein 44-like proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018344  interleukin-1 alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018345  interleukin-1 beta proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025427  interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020286  interleukin-15 receptor subunit alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025428  interleukin-17A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018438  interleukin-18 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020293  interleukin-37 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018553  interleukin-4 receptor subunit alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025429  interleukin-6 receptor subunit alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000001798  interleukin-6 receptor subunit alpha isoform 1 soluble form
PR:000044514  interleukin-6 receptor subunit alpha isoform 1 soluble form (mouse)
PR:000018461  interleukin-8 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020605  interstitial collagenase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000029211  iron-regulated surface determinant protein A cleaved 1
PR:000029212  iron-regulated surface determinant protein B cleaved 1
PR:000020226  islet amyloid polypeptide proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024491  isoaspartyl peptidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020414  kallikrein 1-related peptidase b16 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020417  kallikrein 1-related peptidase b22 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020418  kallikrein 1-related peptidase b26 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020419  kallikrein 1-related peptidase b3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020422  kallikrein 1-related peptidase b9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020382  kallikrein-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020383  kallikrein-11 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020386  kallikrein-14 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020389  kallikrein-7 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020390  kallikrein-8 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020375  kin of IRRE-like protein 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020396  kininogen-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020379  klotho proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020586  lactadherin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020448  lactase/phlorizin hydrolase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020497  lactotransferrin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025430  latent TGF-beta-binding protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025431  lefty 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000643  lefty 1 isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000036546  lefty 1 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000036547  lefty 1 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000000644  lefty 1 isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000036548  lefty 1 isoform 1 cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000025432  lefty 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000645  lefty 2 isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000036549  lefty 2 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000000646  lefty 2 isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000036550  lefty 2 isoform 1 cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000020463  legumain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000044456derives_from  lentivirus-type protease
PR:000020480  leucyl-cystinyl aminopeptidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020456  liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018568  low affinity immunoglobulin epsilon Fc receptor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018709  low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021075  lysosomal Pro-X carboxypeptidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019956  lysosomal alpha-glucosidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020525  lysosomal alpha-mannosidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019554  lysosomal protective protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019515  macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020607  macrophage metalloelastase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020543  mannan-binding lectin serine protease 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020544  mannan-binding lectin serine protease 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019455  mast cell carboxypeptidase A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020675  mast cell protease 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020678  mast cell protease 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020681  mast cell protease 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020682  mast cell protease 8 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020616  matrilysin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020590  matrix Gla protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020608  matrix metalloproteinase-14 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020609  matrix metalloproteinase-19 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020611  matrix metalloproteinase-23 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020612  matrix metalloproteinase-24 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020622  matrix metalloproteinase-9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085758  mature fibrillin-1 (mouse)
PR:000021479  melanocyte protein Pmel 17 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020556  membrane-bound transcription factor site-1 protease proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020573  meprin A subunit alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020574  meprin A subunit beta proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020639  mesothelin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020376  metastasis-suppressor KiSS-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020527  microtubule-associated protein 1A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020529  microtubule-associated protein 1B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020533  microtubule-associated protein 1S proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020530  microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020531  microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020532  microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3C proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020166  minor histocompatibility protein HB-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025458  mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018578  mucin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020654  mucin-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020623  multimerin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050084  155 kDa platelet multimerin (human)
PR:000050083  platelet glycoprotein Ia* (human)
PR:000021132  myeloblastin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020631  myeloperoxidase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020671  myosin-Ig proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020707  napsin-A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020778  natriuretic peptides B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021185  nectin-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020733  neurofibromin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020763  neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085743  notch 1 intracellular domain (mouse)
PR:000020764  neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020765  neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085750  notch 3 intracellular domain (mouse)
PR:000020766  neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020755  neuromedin-B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020758  neuromedin-S proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020759  neuromedin-U proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020769  neuropeptide B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020782  neuropeptide S proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020786  neuropeptide W proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020789  neuropeptide Y proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020805  neurotensin/neuromedin N proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020795  neurotrophin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020796  neurotrophin-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020619  neutrophil collagenase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019773  neutrophil elastase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021025  nociceptin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025433  nodal protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025434  noggin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020735  nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p100 subunit proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018519  nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p105 subunit proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000001757  nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p50 subunit
PR:000035834  nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p50 subunit (human)
PR:000028540  nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p50 subunit (mouse)
PR:000020811  nuclear pore complex protein Nup98-Nup96 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020841  oncostatin-M proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021202  orexigenic neuropeptide QRFP proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020817  ornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020842  osteocrin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020831  oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020852  oxytocin-neurophysin 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021066  pancreatic polypeptide prohormone proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020867  pappalysin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020868  pappalysin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021170  parathyroid hormone proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021172  parathyroid hormone-related protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020941  pepsin A-5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021195  peptide YY proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024442  peptidoglycan D,D-transpeptidase FtsI proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021766  peroxisomal leader peptide-processing protease proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020918  phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020980  phosphatidylserine decarboxylase proenzyme proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020992  phospholipase A2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024798  pilin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018902  pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020393  plasma kallikrein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021010  plasminogen proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021044  platelet basic protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020929  platelet factor 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020932  platelet factor 4 variant proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018591  platelet glycoprotein Ib alpha chain proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018298  platelet-derived growth factor C proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000982  platelet-derived growth factor C isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000036570  platelet-derived growth factor C isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000036571  platelet-derived growth factor C isoform 1 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000020902  platelet-derived growth factor subunit A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020905  platelet-derived growth factor subunit B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020966  polymeric immunoglobulin receptor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050188  polymeric immunoglobulin receptor secretory component
PR:000050169  polymeric immunoglobulin receptor secretory component (human)
PR:000019965  polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019966  polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021135  presenilin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000036880  presenilin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000036881  presenilin-2 isoform 1 C-terminal fragment
PR:000036886  presenilin-2 isoform 1 C-terminal fragment (mouse)
PR:000036889  presenilin-2 isoform 1 CTF subunit
PR:000036890  presenilin-2 isoform 1 CTF subunit (mouse)
PR:000036887  presenilin-2 isoform 1 N-terminal fragment
PR:000036888  presenilin-2 isoform 1 N-terminal fragment (mouse)
PR:000020871  presenilin-associated rhomboid-like protein, mitochondrial proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021016  pro-MCH proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018914  pro-adrenomedullin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019980  pro-glucagon proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018435  pro-interleukin-16 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085740  interleukin-16 (mouse)
PR:000029651  pro-neuregulin-1, membrane-bound isoform proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000044843  neuregulin-1 intracellular domain (mouse)
PR:000044821  neuregulin-1 type I-beta1a mature form (mouse)
PR:000044839  neuregulin-1 type I-beta4a mature form (mouse)
PR:000020792  pro-neuregulin-2, membrane-bound isoform proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020793  pro-neuregulin-3, membrane-bound isoform proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020794  pro-neuregulin-4, membrane-bound isoform proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021036  pro-opiomelanocortin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000044793  melanotropin
PR:000021735  pro-thyrotropin-releasing hormone proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019150  probetacellulin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019574  procathepsin L proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085748  processed XK-related protein 4 (mouse)
PR:000085752  processed XK-related protein 8 (mouse)
PR:000085747  processed XK-related protein 9 (mouse)
PR:000020924  proenkephalin-A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085763  Leu-enkephalin
PR:000085775  Leu-enkephalin (cow)
PR:000085764  Leu-enkephalin (human)
PR:000085765  Leu-enkephalin (mouse)
PR:000085776  Met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu (cow)
PR:000085766  Met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu (human)
PR:000085768  Met-enkephalin-Arg-Phe
PR:000085777  Met-enkephalin-Arg-Phe (cow)
PR:000085769  Met-enkephalin-Arg-Phe (human)
PR:000085770  Met-enkephalin-Arg-Phe (mouse)
PR:000085767  Met-enkephalin-Arg-Ser-Leu (mouse)
PR:000085760  Met-enkephalin
PR:000085774  Met-enkephalin (cow)
PR:000085761  Met-enkephalin (human)
PR:000085762  Met-enkephalin (mouse)
PR:000020916  proenkephalin-B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019803  proepiregulin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020032  progonadoliberin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020033  progonadoliberin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020062  progranulin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020117  proheparin-binding EGF-like growth factor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021096  prolactin-releasing peptide proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020602  promotilin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020888  proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020889  proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020892  proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021267  prorelaxin H2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021129  prostasin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018780  prostate-specific antigen proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021619  protachykinin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021100  protamine-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021143  proteasome subunit beta type-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018754  proteasome subunit beta type-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021145  proteasome subunit beta type-5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021147  proteasome subunit beta type-6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021148  proteasome subunit beta type-7 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021149  proteasome subunit beta type-9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018973  protein AMBP proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021352  protein S100-A12 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024819  protein UmuD proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021856  protein Wnt-5a proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019688  protein delta homolog 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021660  protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase E proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018513  proteinase-activated receptor 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021083  proteoglycan 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019834  prothrombin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021174  prothymosin alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020557  proto-oncogene DBL proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021657  protransforming growth factor alpha proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021459  pulmonary surfactant-associated protein B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021460  pulmonary surfactant-associated protein C proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000029684  putative phospholipase B-like 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024659  pyruvate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021349  renin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050281  rep gene proteolytic cleavage product (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050274  3C-like proteinase nsp5 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050289  NSP2-3 intermediate (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050282  ORF1a proteolytic cleavage product (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050280  non-structural protein 11 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050283  ORF1ab proteolytic cleavage product (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050288  2'-O-methyltransferase nsp16 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050284  RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050285  helicase nsp13 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050286  proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050287  uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050270  host translation inhibitor nsp1 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050279  non-structural protein 10 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050271  non-structural protein 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050273  non-structural protein 4 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050275  non-structural protein 6 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050276  non-structural protein 7 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050277  non-structural protein 8 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050278  non-structural protein 9 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050272  papain-like proteinase nsp3 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000021245  retinol-binding protein 4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019064  retroviral-like aspartic protease 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050156  ribosomal protein eS30
PR:000050589  ribosomal protein eS30 (human)
PR:000021086  salivary acidic proline-rich phosphoprotein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018594  scavenger receptor cysteine-rich type 1 protein M130 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021385  secretin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019329  secretogranin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021368  secretogranin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021404  semenogelin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021126  serine protease 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020220  serine protease HTRA2, mitochondrial proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021550  serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type 5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000035906  serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 36kDa subunit
PR:000035907  serine/threonine-protein kinase 3 36kDa subunit (human)
PR:000035908  serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 37kDa subunit
PR:000035909  serine/threonine-protein kinase 4 37kDa subunit (human)
PR:000020865  serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019005  serum amyloid P-component proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021476  sialate O-acetylesterase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021503  slit homolog 2 protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024730  small ribosomal subunit protein bS6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021601  small ubiquitin-related modifier 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021602  small ubiquitin-related modifier 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021603  small ubiquitin-related modifier 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019069  sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085751  soluble secretory phospholipase A2 receptor (mouse)
PR:000019996  somatoliberin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021578  somatostatin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021468  sonic hedgehog protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000037275  sonic hedgehog protein C-product
PR:000037273  sonic hedgehog protein N-product
PR:000037274  sonic hedgehog protein N-product dually lipidated 1 (human)
PR:000037269  sonic hedgehog protein N-product dually lipidated 1 (mouse)
PR:000021535  sortilin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021534  sortilin-related receptor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021540  sperm acrosome membrane-associated protein 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050267  spike protein S1 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050268  spike protein S2 (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000050269  spike protein S2' (SARS-CoV-2)
PR:000028990  sre1-type sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000028991  sre1-type sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 cleaved 1
PR:000028992  Sre1N (Schizosaccharomyces pombe)
PR:000021579  stabilin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021563  sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021564  sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000085746  processed sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 (mouse)
PR:000019591  stromal cell-derived factor 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020613  stromelysin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020606  stromelysin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021514  submaxillary gland androgen-regulated protein 3B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021475  sucrase-isomaltase, intestinal proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019809  syncytin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021620  tachykinin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021621  tachykinin-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021759  thioredoxin reductase 1, cytoplasmic proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021629  threonine aspartase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025437  thrombospondin-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000588  thrombospondin-1 isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000028966  thrombospondin-1 isoform 1 cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000036486  thrombospondin-1 isoform 1 cleaved 2 (mouse)
PR:000000485  thrombospondin-1 isoform 1 cleaved and glycosylated form
PR:000000590  thrombospondin-1 isoform 1 cleaved 2 glycosylated form
PR:000036489  thrombospondin-1 isoform 1 cleaved 2 glycosylated 1 (human)
PR:000036490  thrombospondin-1 isoform 1 cleaved 2 glycosylated form (mouse)
PR:000025438  thrombospondin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000592  thrombospondin-2 isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000044787  thrombospondin-2 isoform 1 cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000036492  thrombospondin-2 isoform 1 cleaved 2 (mouse)
PR:000000593  thrombospondin-2 isoform 1 cleaved 3
PR:000044788  thrombospondin-2 isoform 1 cleaved 3 (human)
PR:000036493  thrombospondin-2 isoform 1 cleaved 3 (mouse)
PR:000025439  thrombospondin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025440  thrombospondin-4 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021762  thymidine phosphorylase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021742  thyrotropin subunit beta proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021000  tissue-type plasminogen activator proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021680  tolloid-like protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025441  transcription factor Sp1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000597  transcription factor Sp1 isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000036497  transcription factor Sp1 isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000020072  transcription initiation factor IIA subunit 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000037271  transcriptional activator GLI3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000037268  transcriptional repressor GLI3R (mouse)
PR:000018603  transferrin receptor protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000024498  translation initiation factor IF-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021123  transmembrane gamma-carboxyglutamic acid protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021689  transmembrane protease serine 11D proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021690  transmembrane protease serine 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025442  transmembrane protease serine 9 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000003056  transmembrane protease serine 9 isoform 3 cleaved 1
PR:000036627  transmembrane protease serine 9 isoform 3 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000021725  tripeptidyl-peptidase 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021127  trypsin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021730  tryptase beta-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021731  tryptase gamma proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021843  tryptophan--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021171  tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018721  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 11 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000002437  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 11 isoform 1 soluble form
PR:000021708  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 12 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018604  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 13 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018605  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 13B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018755  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 14 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018756  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 15 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018606  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 5 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018277  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 6 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000547  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 6 isoform FasL soluble form
PR:000036459  tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 6 isoform FasL soluble form (human)
PR:000018285  tumor necrosis factor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000000604  tumor necrosis factor isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000036504  tumor necrosis factor isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000036505  tumor necrosis factor isoform 1 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000000605  tumor necrosis factor isoform 1 cleaved 2
PR:000036506  tumor necrosis factor isoform 1 cleaved 2 (mouse)
PR:000018613  tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1A proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000018616  tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000020308  type II inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000035716  ubiquitin (RPS27A)
PR:000035717  ubiquitin (RPS27A) (human)
PR:000059717  ubiquitin (RPS27A) (mouse)
PR:000035722  ubiquitin (UBA52)
PR:000035723  ubiquitin (UBA52) (human)
PR:000060216  ubiquitin (UBA52) (mouse)
PR:000035726  ubiquitin (UBB)
PR:000035727  ubiquitin (UBB) (human)
PR:000060217  ubiquitin (UBB) (mouse)
PR:000035720  ubiquitin (UBC)
PR:000035721  ubiquitin (UBC) (mouse)
PR:000021785  ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050155  ubiquitin-like protein FUBI
PR:000050588  ubiquitin-like protein FUBI (human)
PR:000064866  ubiquitin-like protein FUBI (mouse)
PR:000029565  ubiquitin-like protein ISG15 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000035728  ubiquitin
PR:000060228  monoubiquitin
PR:000050235  polyubiquitin
PR:000050240  K11-polyubiquitin
PR:000050241  K11-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050242  K27-polyubiquitin
PR:000050243  K27-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050244  K29-polyubiquitin
PR:000050245  K29-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050246  K33-polyubiquitin
PR:000050247  K33-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050236  K48-polyubiquitin
PR:000050237  K48-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050238  K6-polyubiquitin
PR:000050239  K6-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000049734  K63-diubiquitin
PR:000035731  K63-polyubiquitin
PR:000035732  K63-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000036039  K63-polyubiquitin (mouse)
PR:000050248  polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050241  K11-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050243  K27-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050245  K29-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050247  K33-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000060230  K48- or K63-linked polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050237  K48-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000035732  K63-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050237  K48-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050239  K6-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000035732  K63-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000035716  ubiquitin (RPS27A)
PR:000035722  ubiquitin (UBA52)
PR:000035726  ubiquitin (UBB)
PR:000035720  ubiquitin (UBC)
PR:000050249  ubiquitin (human)
PR:000060229  monoubiquitin (human)
PR:000050248  polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050241  K11-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050243  K27-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050245  K29-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050247  K33-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000060230  K48- or K63-linked polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050237  K48-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000035732  K63-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050237  K48-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000050239  K6-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000035732  K63-polyubiquitin (human)
PR:000060218  ubiquitin (mouse)
PR:000036039  K63-polyubiquitin (mouse)
PR:000021782  unique cartilage matrix-associated protein proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021783  urocortin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021784  urocortin-3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021003  urokinase-type plasminogen activator proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021806  urotensin-2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000025443  vascular endothelial growth factor B proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000003100  vascular endothelial growth factor B isoform 1 cleaved 1
PR:000036636  vascular endothelial growth factor B isoform 1 cleaved 1 (mouse)
PR:000021823  vascular endothelial growth factor C proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019901  vascular endothelial growth factor D proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021826  vasoactive intestinal polypeptides proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019093  vasopressin-neurophysin 2-copeptin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021105  vitamin K-dependent protein C proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000026177  pro-protein C light chain
PR:000026178  pro-protein C light chain (human)
PR:000035918derives_from  vitamin K-dependent protein C activation peptide
PR:000035919  vitamin K-dependent protein C activation peptide (human)
PR:000035920  vitamin K-dependent protein C heavy chain
PR:000035918derives_from  vitamin K-dependent protein C activation peptide
PR:000035919  vitamin K-dependent protein C activation peptide (human)
PR:000035921  vitamin K-dependent protein C heavy chain (human)
PR:000021112  vitamin K-dependent protein S proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021115  vitamin K-dependent protein Z proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021838  vitronectin proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000019215  voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2/delta-1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000050068  voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2-1
PR:000050070  voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit alpha-2-1 (human)
PR:000050069  voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit delta-1
PR:000050071  voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit delta-1 (human)
PR:000021841  von Willebrand factor proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000043586  von Willebrand factor isoform 1 cleaved 1 (human)
PR:000043993  von Willebrand factor isoform 1 cleaved 2 (human)
PR:000021885  zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 1 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021888  zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 2 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021891  zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 3 proteolytic cleavage product
PR:000021892  zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 4 proteolytic cleavage product